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Warning, this is unedited. But good news, it's basically just fluff. Enjoy!

A silvery figure woke me. It was a turtle, and it played a message from Draco. I smiled, already pulling a muggle cardigan over my pajamas.

I knew it would be difficult to get to the lake, but still I snuck to the common room and then into the corridor.

I glanced over my shoulder about every 30 seconds until I had reached a window on the second floor, the closest to the ground I could get. Quickly I conjured a ladder, although the spell was hard, and scaled down the building. I ran across the grounds until I came to a figure lying on the ground.

"Draco!" I whisper-yelled. His face was lightly bruised, but I knew it had been worse before. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Draco didn't move his eyes from the star dotted sky. "It looks worse than it is," He said quietly. I shook my head, kneeling near Dracos head. I leaned down to kiss him.

"I won't make you tell me." I told him, lying next to Draco. "But I really wish you would."

Draco just shook his head, grabbing my hand.

"Valentine's Day is next week." He said instead. I was annoyed at his changing the subject, but I didn't change it back.

"Guess so," I replied. "Fair warning, I don't have anything to give you. Or any money to get you anything." Draco chuckled, something so rare and lovely about him.

"That's alright. I simply want to be with you." And suddenly, like a fog settling in I knew the three words Draco was holding back. That he could've said but didn't.

I couldn't. Of course I loved Draco. But was I in love with him? My head felt heavy with worry, and suddenly all I wanted to do was pull every hint of lint off of my cardigan.

I'd nearly forgotten what a strong OCD symptom had felt like. I didn't remember it being so tiring.

"I'm tired," I yawned, cuddling closer to Draco. On hand was behind his head, and the other he wrapped around my shoulder.

"S'pose if we wake early enough we can sleep here." I was already half asleep. I faded into a blissful, dreamless, sleep.


I was gently awoken by a soft kiss to my cheek.

"We've got to get to our dorms, love." Draco told me. My eyes fluttered open.

"Shoot! What time is it?"

"30 minutes until the dorms will get up." Draco stood, helping me up to my feet. I nodded.

"Alright, but we'll have to be careful." Hand in hand Draco and I made ourselves as scarce as possible as we crossed to the window I had exited the castle. I conjured another ladder and quickly climbed up, Draco not far behind me.

Draco squeezed my hand one last time before we parted, I going left and Draco right. I hurried to the Gryffindor common room, and whispered the password to the Fat Lady. Annoyedly, she granted me entrance.

I climbed into my bed, and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep but I wasn't quite awake either.

"Gin! Let's go!" A voice called. I faked a groggy yawn and climbed out of bed. I quickly changed and joined the rest of the Gryffindor students as we flooded down to the great hall.

I waved to Draco as we passed each other, grinning.

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