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Imma do it. You'll see. Imma do it. Just like the movie.

It was the day of graduation. "Hurry!" Hermione yelled from the bathroom. I emerged, wearing a dress Mom had sent me for today. I was rushing so much, I didn't even realize I hadn't zipped my dress until I was down in the common room.

I smiled when I saw someone had let Draco into the Gryffindor dorm.

"You look beautiful, Ginny." He told me. I turned, pulling my hair over my shoulder.

"Can you zip me?" I asked. Draco walked up behind me, zipping my dress. I turned again, our eyes meeting before we kissed, not breaking for what seemed an eternity.

"Good morning," My brows furrowed as I looked over to see my brother Ron, sipping a cup of tea and staring down Draco. Draco nodded awkwardly.

"Right, then. I'll see you at the graduation, Gin. Still can't believe 7th and 8th years are graduating together." Draco kissed my cheek before shuffling past Ron into the hall.

"You didn't have to scare him like that, Ron." I laughed, pulling my Gryffindor graduation cloak over my dress. Ron shrugged.

"Didn't have to, but I did. Because I care." I feigned a touched expression.

"Why thank you, loving brother." I mocked. It was then Hermione came from the bathroom, her hair perfectly curled. I smirked at Ron's captivation.

"Well, I should be going." I said, leaving the common room and joining the stream of students making their way toward the Great Hall.

When we got there, students were finding there seats, which were organized my house and year. The students graduating sat at the front.

It wasn't long before the ceremony began, and the hall became quiet as Professor Mcgonagall went up to the podium.

I tried to consentrate on the names being called, but from across the room Draco was making faces at me. I giggled, earning a few glares from the people around me.

Finally, my name was called and I walked to the front, only wobbling slightly in my heels. I winked at Draco as I walked back to my seat after shaking hands with Professor Mcgonagall as Draco had done when he was called up.

"Now, I have one last annoucement. During the Battle at Hogwarts, I told the Slytherins they could not fight alongside their fellow students in defense of our school. I realize now this was a mistake, and now I would like to honor one student in particular.

"Draco Malfoy has donated one of the largest sums of money towards the clean up of our school of any other wizarding family. Please join me at the podium, Malfoy." Draco walked nervously to wear Mcgonagall was standing.

"Would you like to say anything on behalf of your graduating class, Draco?"

"Well," Draco began. "First, I would like to say that this year was difficult for some Slytherins, but I have seen growth in the way others have treated us. We are not all evil, after all. This year we all came together. Maybe it's because we lost so many. Either way, I think we all grew. Even me. But for that, the credit goes to Ginny Weasley."

I felt my face grow warm as people turned to look at me.

"Ginny showed me there's nothing wrong with acting like a Gryffindor. She was the one that inspired me to donate to Hogwarts. So, thanks Gin." The room erupted in applause, but I kept my eye contact with Draco, grinning like an idiot.

When everyone had left for the after party, I ran up to Draco, hugging him.

"You were fantastic." I told him.

"Thanks." He smiled. "Listen, I was thinking-" Draco was cut off by another voice in the room.

"Ginny!" Harry called. "I need to say something. I still love you."


I'll admit, this wasn't great. Either way, thanks for reading. See yall jelllybeens later!

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