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I walked back to my common room, taking care not wake any sleeping paintings. My brain twinged, like it usually does at night. 

OCD? Ridiculous.  I thought. I just need to make sure. It needs to be perfect. During the day, things don't need to be so perfect. But that's because it's so fast. It doesn't mean I have a disease. 

I cleared my throat to kindly wake The Fat Lady. I told her the password and went up, straightening my pillows before crawling into bed.

--------------- Time Skipz------------------

Hermione gently shook me awake. I got dressed quickly and put my books into my enchanted handbag before slipping it into my pocket and going to breakfast. 

As I walked into the hall, I caught a look from Draco. I came up next to Hermione. "Morning Gin." She said in between scolding Ron. I gave a weak smile and grabbed a pastry before sneaking off to the library.

I sat at a library table and read one of my favorites, Fantasic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 

"Rolf is that authors grandson." A voice told me. I dropped my book to see none other than Draco Malfoy sitting across from me.

"Leave me alone." I said, pulling my book back to my face. Draco pulled it back down.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that. Last night, I asked if you had OCD. The fact is, I know you do. My mother acted the same way. And although I usually wouldn't help a ginger like you, after my father was sent to Azkaban I think I should start being a better person. Or at least, stop overlooking blatant agony." I rolled my eyes. 

"Shouldn't you be making out with April somewhere?" I told him, rolling my eyes. 

"You should let me help you, Weasley. I'm... trying. My family hurt yours. And you're more approachable than your brother. You have a problem."

I felt my expression soften.

"Blimey, Malfoy? Could it be that you actually care?" I chuckled, standing and walking around the table. 

"Shut up, Weasley. Suffer for all I care." He hissed. I raised an eyebrow.

"Calm down. If it means so much to you, you can help me. I don't have a problem, but if it makes you feel better I'll let you follow me or whatever it is you do."

"You need medicine or something. I don't know." He muttered.

"So, you want to tell me how to fix something I don't have, but you don't know how?" I asked.

"You do have OCD. But people need different things. I think. Whatever, I have to get to class." Draco said, standing from his seat.

"Wait, you're just gonna leave it here?"

"Uh, sure. We'll talk later." Draco said, rushing out. I knew I should be rushing too, but in a world where Draco Malfoy cares, could anyone be sure time even existed? Also, my first lesson didn't start for another 20 minutes.

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