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Warning: I did not edit or read over this i was lazy lol

I grinned at Draco, who had waved subtly from the Slytherin table. We had scarcely talked since our boyfriend/girlfriend thing had been established three weeks ago. Well, established for us anyway. I stared at him, smiling stupidly.

Unfortunately, Cho sat across from me, blocking my view. Something told me she did it on purpose.

"When were you planning on telling me, Gin?" She asked, taking a bite of her pie. She pointed her fork at me. "And don't try to deny it. A best friend always knows."

I could feel a blush creep onto my face. "Whatever. It-it's new. And.... controversial." Cho nodded.

"S'pose so. But you've got to stop hiding it. It's okay to sit together or hold hands. I can see you dying inside when you two pass in the halls."

And she was right. Everytime I couldn't kiss Draco before a quidditch game or after a lesson I could feel a pang of sadness.

"I know you're right, but I don't want to make things worse. So many people here don't approve of Draco not being put into Azkaban."

"Well, if your afraid of being judged, just think about how Draco feels." Cho got up from the table, and left me to my guilt. Looking at the clock, I realized I had to get to muggle studies anyway.

Hidden under the table, Draco ran his thumb back and forth on my leg absentmindedly as we listened to Greyslade list ingredients and took notes in our last lesson of the day.

"Drake," I whispered. He nodded to show he was listening. "We should tell people about this. It's been too long of us sneaking around and snogging in closets." He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe, but I don't want people to hate you like they hate me. You don't deserve it."

Suddenly anger flooded my senses, against everyone misjudging Draco, against myself for not being brave enough to stand by him, maybe even mad at Draco for not seeing how valuable he is.

So, I did the most Gryffindor thing I could've. I stood up and cleared my throat. 

"Professor, I apologetically interrupt your lesson but I have an overdue announcement I must make," Even Draco whispering to sit couldn't stop me now, probably because of the adrenaline rushing through me.

"Draco and I are dating and I don't care what anyone else thinks!"

A variety of reactions followed. As I slid back into my seat, all eyes were on us. Greyslade rolled his eyes, not bothering to continue going. Sniggering came from the back of the classroom, most likely Slytherins making fun of Draco for being with a Gryffindor. A couple of others smiled or nodded towards us, but overall it wasn't very well thought out. With five minutes of the class left, Draco and I sat awkwardly until we were dismissed.

"Congratulations, Gin." Hermione smiled, after most of the class had left. I smiled back.

"Thanks. And I hope you're not mad. You know, with the trio and Draco's history." 

"I trust that if you say so," Hermione looked Draco up and down. "That Malfoy has changed." She then addressed Draco.

"If you hurt her I will have to hex you. Badly." She told him, making me snort. Draco himself looked rather uncomfortable. Suddenly, another voice came from behind us.

"Had to trick a stupid Gryffindork into liking you, Malfoy?" We all turned, where Pansy Parkinson was sneering at us. "A bludger must've hit your head to leave April for a Weasley."  

I could feel Draco tense. I slipped my hand into his, squeezing it. "Don't listen to her," I said quietly. Fortunately, it was Hermione who spoke up.

"Your hair looks nice today, Parkinson." I nearly burst out laughing. Hermione told me once how in muggle school she would compliment bullies, making them uncomfortable enough to leave. It seemed to be working.

"Shut up, Granger." Pansy replied, her voice quieter. Hermione stepped closer. 

"I quite like your tie, too." Pansy was blushing now, and she turned away.

"Whatever. Just came to tell Draco to watch his back." Pansy walked off quickly, and after a quick goodbye Hermione left too, leaving Draco and I alone. Immediately, I turned to kiss Draco, grinning up at him as we broke apart.

"How could this go wrong?" I laughed.

wOw this is terrible.  Hope you enjoyed anyway, pleasee vote if you did, I am desperate lol. Buhbi jelllybeens!

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