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Hey y'all really quickly I'm going to explain the timeline a little. So basically, a few months before their last year, Harry and Ginny broke up. Around Christmas, Draco and Ginny began dating. They have now been dating for 10 months now. Okay, enjoy.

"To living far, far away from everyone else," Ginny smiled, raising her glass. I smiled back, mostly because I knew she had only said it at an attempt of putting my guilty anxiety to rest.

For the past three months as we prepared to move, I went on and on about how bad I felt taking Ginny from where her friends and family were. Ginny always assured me she wanted nothing more than move to our secluded location.

"Wow, Gin. We're actual adults now." I said, taking a sip of the champagne in my glass.

"Terrifying, really." I nodded. "You know Drake, this is going to sound rather strange, and I know we're young, and it's really very early, but I think we should get marrie-"

"No!" I yelped suddenly. Ginny made a face. "I mean, yes. We should get married, and I love you but..." I sighed loudly. "I'm a Malfoy. Everyone thinks I'll hurt you. So... I wanted to do it the right way. Asking your dad, proposing on one knee."

"Oh. Oh Draco, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to ruin everything." Ginny fretted. I reached for her hand.

"Hey, no, it's alright. You know, I like it better this way. Now I won't be worried of you saying no. Except maybe we could wait a year or two." I soothed Ginny.

"I would never say no. I love you too much." I leaned over the table, kissing Ginny.

I smiled as Ginny straighted the bread slices in the basket.

"You alright?" I asked, just to be sure. Ginny nodded and smiled.

"'Course. Just tying some loose ends." I smiled like a git as I stared at Ginny. She didn't have to be perfect. I loved her anyway.


I picked up another box, setting it onto the bed and pulling objects from it.

"Draco!" I heard from the other room. "We've got company!" Ginny yelled. I walked into the living room, holding back a groan.

"Hey, Blondie." Harry smirked. Hermione rolled her eyes, pulling Ron along as she made her way to greet Ginny. Harry on the other hand, walked to me.

"Hey, I just want you to know there are no hard feelings between you and me for you dating my ex."

"You broke up more than a year ago." I told Harry.

"M'kay, anyways. Like I said, congrats." I rolled my eyes as Harry walked away. Something good better be happening from this visit.

"We have some bad news." Hermione said. "Draco, your father died in Azkaban."

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