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I was setting up supplies when Ginny walked into the classroom. I made sure to lay the tools disordered. "We're making a metal melting potion. Gather your supplies from your book." I told her. She nodded. Ginny opened her book and began to measure ingredients.

"Quicker. This potion has to be mixed in a specific timely matter. No more than 4 seconds between mixing the wizzle seeds and the powders. Come on now, it says a handful. Hurry up." I ordered.

"A handful is between 23-27 seeds. I have to make the ingredients out correctly." I wrote the time 7:23 pm in my journal. 

"Well, if you'll notice, your potion has evaporated because you took too long. Start over." I wrote 7:34 pm and walked closer to Ginny as I noticed her straightening out supplies. "Now." 

I took until almost 10 pm before we had completed the potion correctly. I held up my journal.

"I recorded 11 times you showed OCD symptoms. And it interfered with your work. You should talk to Madam Pomfrey." I told Ginny. She rolled her eyes.

"So I like things put away. I. Am. Not. Sick. Leave me alone." She scrubbed harder at the water skin on her arm. I grabbed her arm gently. 

"Stop. You're going to hurt yourself. Take a stupid pill or whatever." I said. I hadn't realized until Ginny was near me how short she was. I was probably at least 5 or 6 inches taller. She was staring at me. Her eyes seemed to be 4 different shades of brown. She stepped closer to me. 

"My head hurts. All the time. If I'm sick, I don't think it can be fixed. This is what I get. What I get for letting Fred die." Ginny suddenly rested her head on my chest. I'd heard of this. Thoughts that invaded your mind, made you think things that weren't true. Like being responsible for a death.

Just then, I heard a knock at the door, followed by April walking into the dim classroom. Ginny pushed away quickly.

"Draco? Oh, there you are." April pushed her long brown hair behind and bounded up to me, pulling me into a deep kiss. Ginny cleared her throat when my hands began to roam. April and I broke apart.

"We've all got to get to bed. Ginny, only 8th years can be out this late. You should get going." I said, cleaning up with a spell.

"Buh bye, Weasel. Let's get to our dorm, Draco,"April giggled, pulling close to me. I watched Ginny gather her things and leave, letting April lead us to her dorm.

Obsessed // DrinnyWhere stories live. Discover now