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Dryden: Avery, Alec is back!

Avery: Thank God!

As soon as she saw him, Avery wanted to hug him, then she saw someone standing just slightly behind him. It was a girl, could it be, a human?!

Right then she had the urge to bonk him on his thick head

Avery walked slowly towards the duo, when she reached them she jabbed her finger into Alec's chest accusingly: What were you thinking?!

Alec took a step back and lifted his palms trying to palcate her: Hear me out please

She crossed her arms

Alec: The city we were in was attacked. It was dangerous for her there

Avery: It's not like it's safe for her here, nor us for that matter

His brows furrowed

Avery: You shouldn't have brought her here

Alec: But Ave, it's the only safe place I know

Avery: She's human, they are not our friends

Alec: But..

She cut him off: Whatever you feel for her, do not expect us to treat her like one of us, least of all me. You know I'm not the only one who wouldn't want her here

Natalie: What have I ever done to you to deserve this kind of hostility. God, Alec, some friends you have

Alec: Natalie please..

Avery gave her a sharp glare, silencing her immediately: She may stay, but you will be the one responsible for her, and she's not to interfere with anything

Natalie opened her mouth but Alec squeezed her hand and looked at her pleadingly: Thanks Ave, that's all I ask for

Avery left them alone then

Alec sighed

Natalie frowned disapprovingly: What does she have against humans?

Alec: Avery hasn't had a favorable experience with humans.. It was rough for her

Natalie: But she doesn't know me, can't she give me a chance first?

Alec: She's the careful type, any chance you want you have to earn

She still frowned

Alec sighed again: She's right you know, not everyone will be friendly. Most are wary of strangers, and humans. Our relationship over the ages has not been pleasant

She looked uncertain so he continued: But don't worry. Overall, they are nice people and us fae mixes are the most lenient with our views of the humans

He was trying to reassure her, but Alec has never been good with bending truths so it just came out depressing

He squeezed her hand: Whatever happens, I guarantee you'll be safe here and I'll always be there for you

That brought a smile to her face

Avery's features were stony

Dryden: What happened?

Avery: Alec brought a human back with him

Dryden: Oh..

Avery: He shouldn't have..

Dryden smiled, trying to lighten the mood: That boy's poucka traits are never apparent unless you count everything he does that you find annoying

Avery sighed: He couldn't be farther from a poucka, got all his traits from his human mother it seems

She sobered: I still don't like that he brought a human to our midst, regardless of his feelings towards the girl. I don't trust them

Dryden: Are you sure he has feelings for the girl?

Avery nodded: He's probably already in love with her

Dryden: That explains it

Avery: What?

Dryden: Your immediate dislike. You never think anyone is good enough for him

Avery tightened her lips

Dryden: Lighten up. She might be better than you expect

Avery: I hope so. She better not interfere with the way we run things around here though. Humans are middlesom and self righteous at times

Dryden smiled wryly: Just hope for the best

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