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Archer wanted to go look for the witches aiding the King, but he had no idea how to go about it

His movements were closely watched, he couldn't just leave, and there was a mind link between them, which doesn't allow lying

Archer had the privacy of his thoughts protected, he was just not allowed to blatantly lie. He needed a valid reason to leave, and if he dared leave without permission he feared for Amelia and Crystal

He was plotting to depart for one reason or other without involving the two of them, or trying to plot, at least. So far he found nothing to send him away

Would he have to wait for his Majesty's whims to send him somewhere, and when would that be. His Reign has gone on long enough

There was something else adding to the worries of his mother, Amelia feared with all the magic he's been getting, he might feel the life of her son of no use, and why wouldn't he? He might hope to live long enough to sire an heir he actually liked, or just continue on, indefinitely. His rule was cruel, she and some others felt oppressed, but what could she do. She had a half mind to force her son to leave and seek the gargoyles' help, but she feared he wouldn't listen. He would never put her or Crystal in danger

Ubeknownst to them, the dragon King was planning to send Archer on a mission

He wanted him to glean some informations about the gargoyles' next move, whether they planned to join the upcoming war, and if, on which side would they be. He had the incling the little hybrid brat might sway them, those fools always considered themselves noble warriors, the defenders of the weak, or oblivious

And if so, there was the added benefit of torturing his blasted supposed heir further, he might see the brat he so seemed to favor, on a different side of the battle. He might be pressured to fight her, kill her even, then he will break. The idea was too delicious, he actually licked his incisors

Lord Thorn was a bit worried about the plan, but he had to defer to his King's judgement: What could he do?  He doesn't have the spine to rebel. No, Archer would do as he was told

The heir couldn't believe his ears, when his King gave him the orders, but he took immense care not to look the least bit pleased

He bowed low, face grim, answered as was expected, and left

Amelia and Crystal felt relieved

Before his departure, Amelia cupped his cheek, and tried to show him what she wanted him to do

He understood, completely, hugged her good-bye looser than he wanted, and clapped Crystal on the shoulder because she wasn't into great shows of affection, and he didn't want to arouse suspicion

He was full of hope for the future, God willing, he would free his brethern and all their enslaved

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