He left around 11:30 and I still didn't hear anything from him and it past 2 am in the morning I think I am going to go sleep the last few hours that is left of this night.
I send a quick message to his cell number to tell him that I will speak to him in the morning and then went to my room and got dressed for bed and under the covers I got comfy and drifted to sleep.
I suddenly heard a loud bang of something that fell to the flour and a lot of swearing and I instantly got scared and tip toed out of my room to search for my phone that I forgot on the kitchen counter to call the police, as I get closer to Mackenzie's room a locked her door from the outside to keep her locked inside and placed the key under the vase on the table next to her bedroom door.
I got closer to the kitchen and saw a person standing right in front of me, thank the big almighty that his back was facing me, I quickly took the first thing I saw which was an innocent little unicorn umbrella and hit him straight on the head.
"Ow fuck that hurts! "He shouted and I soon realized that it was Kayden, "I am so sorry Kayden I thought you were someone breaking into the house." I felt so bad for hitting him on the head but he is a big grown up man so he needs to toughen up little bit it can't really hurt that bad.
"It is fine muffin didn't hurt that much but shit you really have one hell of a swing for that small body of yours "he laughed and I soon joined laughing at what just happened.
We walked to the lounge and we both got seated on one of the fluffy couches facing each other and I was the first one to break the silence.
"My goodness Kayden it is 2 am in the morning why didn't you just go home and rest we could've talked in the morning like I said on the message". I feel really tired and don't know why he came so late.
"No its fine muffin I promised you and I didn't feel like breaking one of my promises ever again. "He said and I get the feeling of sadness in his voice.
"Kayden I don't know if I can do this right now I am so tired and feel drained."
"Muffin we need to do this now or else I am going to find another excuse to not have this conversation you and I both know that we need to do this now."
"Fine, can I get you anything before we start maybe a glass of wine or a beer? "I asked just to get the tension out of the way a little bit.
"A beer will be great thank you Muffin, wait when did you start drinking beer I thought you hated it?"
"I actually always loved a cold beer you just being you didn't think so because I am a lady which is very sexist by the way. "I let out a small giggle and stopped when I saw the expression on his face.
I got up and walked to the kitchen and got two beers and went straight back to the lounge to have our due conversation.
"okay I am going to start and tell you everything from the start so that you know why I did everything I only need one thing from you and that is to give me a chance to complete my side of the story and just listen to what I have to say "he asked and looked at me.
I only looked at him and nodded that I understood what he was asking and he just took in a deep breath and started.
"I don't know how to start what I want to say and it seemed so easy when a rehearsed what to say alone, here it goes....
I know I said a lot of nasty thing to you that day and I will regret it the rest of my live but I need you to understand what I was going through.
The day before everything happened I went to Tommy's house to pick up the invitation of the wedding and he said that he needs to give me something else and that I couldn't tell anyone I got it from him but as a best friend he needs me to know he also told me he got it from one of his friends I think the oaks name was Mathew or Mason something like that anyway that guy gave him a few photos and an audio of you and he gave that to me.

RomanceThe exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him. "Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I...