Chapter 26 - Making it up to her / Kayden's point of view

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Does everything have to go to shit in my life? It fucking feels so!

I was fucking fuming with angry at Tiffany my P.A, well she was my P.A. after that fucking stunt she pulled she will never work in this city again!

I stormed back in my office and he had the audacity to come to me, "Kayden I am so sorry I thought you liked me, I did not know you have a wife "she said.

"Sure you do, maybe all of these portraits of my family is fake or just me trying to look happy?" I said in a mocking voice as I point to my favorite pictures of us when we were still a happy family.

"I need you to fucking leave my property and do not dare come back here! Do you understand that! "I said to her and she started crying and stormed of.

I need to fix this! Once again I fucked up and to be fair this is not even my fault, I was peacefully working on contracts and finalizing the documents for tomorrow's meeting with the Major of Tokyo, she came in all flirty and showing more skin needed.

Everyone knows I am not intestate in any other woman except for her as for all my colleges they think I am a married man and I wish I was!

I don't even know how fast I am driving right now the only thing I concentrate on is getting to the penthouse and find her still there, I do not want her to run away and leave once again I need to be the better person and get the true story out there.

I phoned Angus and made sure he lets me know as soon as she leaves just to make sure and as I get to the penthouse I ran upstairs to find her sobbing and packing all her things, I slowly placed my hand on her shoulder and she turned around.

"Get your hands off me!! "She screamed and stepped back.

"Leah I am so sorry you had to see that but please let me explain it is not what you think I promise you!" I said to her n a low voice

"No Kayden! I refuse to stand her and listen to how you made me fell in love with you once again and right after rip my heart out, I am done! I thought you changed! But once again I was wrong, I wanted to surprise you with dinner and guess you got ahead of me and surprised me with your little show, tell me Kayden how long has this been going on? You know what don't even answer that. Who am I kidding you are not mine so guess you could do whatever you want or in that case whoever you want "she said and walked to the bathroom shutting the door.

I leaned my head on the bathroom door and try to gather all my words. "I know what you saw was wrong and if I were in your shoes I will feel exactly the same Muffin but I would never do that to you! I promise you that it's only you I want to kiss and hold only you! "I reassure her and continued.

"Muffin if you are listening, she walked into the office and got me by surprise I did not expect her to do that everyone knows I am not interstate in any other lady Muffin when you walked in I was trying to push her of me, I did not return anything Muffin and that is a promise she is long gone now and will never step a foot in my building again baby please come out so we can talk about this." I whispered to her.

I heard the bathroom unlock and I instantly stepped back waiting for her to come out and when she did, I pulled her in for a hug, she silently cried in my arms and I know I need to make her feel better, just as I was about to say something she said.

"I am sorry but I can't do this Kayden, I am scared what if you are lying to me? What if you get bored? What do I do then just start all over again? I can't do that Kayden every time I break down I lose piece by piece of myself and it is just too hard to drop my walls."

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