The exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him.
"Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I...
I am so glad she agreed to move in with me , okay not move in but stay with me for a while, I need to show her who I really am and I just need her to remember me to know that I will do everything and anything for her.
Maybe this isn't as bad as it sounds, yes she lost some of her memory but it's a new start for us and I will make sure that she remembers the best things about us and what we had not the monster that I was.
I got everything ready for her to arrive and I am so happy that she asked me to take care of Mackenzie while in hospital we had the best time and she soon fell in love with my Butler Angus, he is an older man that has been working for my family for decades, he is like a father to me, extremely kind and has a wonderful heart.
As soon as we got to the penthouse she went off to go shower and freshen up while Mackenzie is fast asleep on the couch with a favorite movie playing in the background, I got the room right next to mine set up for them, in my advantage it has a joined bathroom and I don't think she knows yet and yes that was sneaky but you can't blame me for wanting to be close.
I passed her room and went straight to mine, I removed my suit jacket and rolled my sleeves up and heard the shower and I can smell her coconut shampoo that seem to drive me insane, it's my favorite smell in the entire world I just can't get enough.
I am going to enjoy her being here with me just wish it can go back to how it always was, I would love to wake up next to her just one more time.
I was pulled out of my own world when she suddenly used the wrong door and came straight into my room with the towel around her body, it took everything in me to not go straight to her just the way she looked made me think all of the ways to make her feel pleasure and I need to get my head out of the gutter before I need to take a long cold shower!
She just stood there watching me more shocked and confused, I cleared my throat "I am so sorry I forgot to tell you that the main rooms have joined bathrooms "I said to her and walked past her to show her the other door.
"Oh, thank you I will just be on my way "she said and I can see her cheeks reddening.
She left and I could hear the door lock, I do not know she seems to be afraid of me and I hate the feeling she needs to know that I will never harm her or invade her privacy in any way.
The last week went by too quick and I think it is due to the amount of work I had and when I get home Leah and Mackenzie is either bathing or watching a movie. It's like a new found routine that we have, I go to work come back home late at night and that's it.
I opened the door and can smell something extremely familiar and went into the kitchen and found her dancing by the stove cooking and I love the sight of her it makes me remember why I was so eager to go home every day.
"Hi Leah something smells extremely wonderful "I greeted her with a smile and she just jumped and turn around holding her heart.
"OH my God Kayden! You will give me a heart attack! "She said and I felt guilty
"I am so sorry didn't mean to give you a fright Muffin" I said with a smile and she smiled back something makes me feel like she remembers me even the look on her face when I call he muffin give everything away.
We sat in the kitchen and ate in silence and believe me I loved her cooking, she looked up at me. "I am sorry I took over in your kitchen but I just noticed that you never get anything healthy in and you need a proper meal every now and again so I decided to make some dinner and plus I was bored I have read every book you own "she said and that made me smile.
"No worries, like I said make yourself at home and thank you I was getting tired of store bought food this is delicious I wouldn't mind having dinner like this every night like we used too. "I said without thinking and she just looked away.
After my comment things just got silent and luckily not an awkward silence, we went our different ways and as usual I was up working and did not even notice the time as I check the alarm on my bedside table I noticed that it's around 2 am in the morning and I decided to call it a night.
I placed my lap top on the bedside table and went to get a drink in the kitchen I passed Leah's room and heard her sobbing and I instantly got protective and went in to check if she is alright, I saw her curled in a ball soaking wet with sweat and she is crying, I kneeled down and tried to wake her up to recover from the nightmare she is having.
"Leah? Muffin I need you to wake up! "I tried to wake her up and this is exactly what the doctors said will happen, the explained that she will have night terrors and I just wished that she didn't, I hate to see her getting tortured in her on dream.
She didn't respond and that was my que to grab her shoulders and try to shake her awake, she woke up and looked me straight in the eyes, her eyes where red and puffy due to the crying and sleepiness.
She tried to speak to me but I stopped her and gently pulled her up and in my arms while rubbing her back, she calmed down and slowed her breathing. She finally were able to speak to me "K-Kayden I am s-sorry you had to see me t-this way "she said and a tear slipped down her cheek that I rubbed away gently with my thumb.
"Muffin you don't have to be sorry I do understand and I am so sorry you have to go through this I will be right by your side don't worry Muffin we will get passed this together "I said to her and she gave me a sad smile and a quick thank you.
We stayed in a sitting position with her head on my shoulders for a while and she got up and looked at me "Kayden I know this is strange but will you please stay with me until I fall asleep? "She asked me
"Of course muffin "I said to her and we got comfortable under the cover, she placed her head on my chest and I gently rubbed circles on her back , she closed her eyes and said "Kayden thank you for everything and staying by my side and thank you for being there for our girl! I am sorry I did not tell you sooner but I remember everything and I forgive you "she said and looked up at me.
"Thank you Muffin you do not know how much that simple words mean to me and I will always be there for you because I will and do always Love my girls "I said back to her and she did the unexpected...
She reached up and kissed me, I did not respond due to the shock but I soon recovered and kissed her back and it was not a rushed kiss slow and tender with much emotion.
She ended the kiss way too soon for my liking laying back down on my chest, the kiss made me realize that she is the only woman for me.
She fell straight back to sleep and carefully rubbed her back and whispered softly.
I knew you remembered me Muffin and just remember this, I will always love you Leah and I promise to make you the happiest gal in the world!
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