Chapter 9 - Kayden's point of view / Dinner

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I can't believe I got Leah to invite me over for dinner this is amazing now I can work on my future plan to get her back! I know I know I am only thinking about myself but I can't help it I just need to fix things.

When I got to my penthouse I just started getting ready to head to Leah, maybe I should stop by the shop and buy something nice for her and Mackenzie I will defiantly do that!

After I showered and got dressed I trough on some of her favorite cologne just to see her reaction, got in the car ready to get to the dinner and let me tell you this is like a very first date I am seriously shitting myself.

On the way sitting in traffic I felt my phone vibrate and saw that it was Steve, he most probably wants to set up a match for tonight but I need to cancel so I answered before it died done.

"Steve what can I do for you man, I am actually real busy right now."

"Kayden my man I need you tonight going against Tyler "Killer" Oliver I know you have been waiting for this for a very long time man and I actually scored this fight for you so I better get some good results" he said excitedly

"Shit man that is fucking awesome but why did you set it up for tonight man out of all nights why tonight I finally got a her to agree on dinner tonight and I can't fuck this up man you know that."

"Stop being a pussy Kayden! You need to be there Kayden no excuses, the cage is already sold out man! "He shouted and I know I don't have any way to get out of this.

"Fine I will be there text me the time and I will drop by."

"Awesome cheers. And just remember if you don't get lucky there will be allot more asses at the cage to make you happy." He stated and that pissed me off I don't need that anymore.

While driving to the shop I kept on think what is Leah going to say about my new so called "hobby "I need to keep this quite until I get the right opportunity to come clean to her see fighting is my sort of way to get all of my rage out and I fucking love it.

As I get to her driveway I notice that I am extremely early but that I fine the earlier the better I need to spend as much time with them as I can. I got to the front door and knocked on the door and I k=can hear my little girl running to the door and that makes me smile.

Mackenzie opened the door and jumped in my arms, "well halo my beautiful princess did you miss me this much angel?"

"I was too excited to see you and have an actual dinner this is going to be awesome but I need to finish my homework first before mommy comes and check on me. Please go to the kitchen daddy I think mommy is busy preparing food okay love you bye. "She said running up the stairs.

I just laughed at how scared she was of her mother and Leah doesn't have one mean bone in her body I know that for a fact.

I joined Leah in the kitchen and let me tell you she looks extremely fucking sexy in her apron cooking dinner, wow I will rather have her for dinner any day! I need to get my head out of the gutter otherwise I am just going to make a fool of myself.

"Hi Darling I don't hope you mind me dropping by earlier, I brought some of your favorite red wine just in case you didn't have any I know you like a glass of wine while having dinner." I said and smiled and placed the wine that I bought for her on the kitchen counter because I know it is her favorite well was I just hope it is still is.

"Halo Kayden, please don't call me that my name is Leah last time I checked, thank you for the wine you shouldn't have and we will be having dinner in a halve an hour." Wow that was a surprise reaction I can't believe she is so offended I used to call her that allot well guess I am not allowed to anymore I simply just raised my arms and surrender don't want to fight over something as small like this.

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