The exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him.
"Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I...
Today is Mackenzie's dance concert and I am so excited can hardly sit still! She has been talking about it for the last month and I can see dancing is something that will be part of her live for a long time and I am happy to be there every second to support her dreams.
The only bad thing about the complete concert is that Mackenzie asked her dad to join and who am I do go against her wishes, so today I have to suck it up and be with him for the sake of Mackenzie this is her day and no one will spoil it.
I settled for a nice elegant but sexy blue long skirt and a plain white top that stops just above my belly button with my classy white strap heels and left my black hair down. All of the parents gathered outside and waiting to for the siren to let us know we can get seated, I was busy chatting with Lilian one of Mackenzie's friend's mother and her brother who is actually extremely handsome not Kayden handsome but still very good looking and now and again I catch him staring at me with a cute little smile and those dimples damn they will turn any girls legs into jelly.
We were happily chatting away and enjoying our conversation when that devil of a man showed up and completely spoiling my good mood and now it's payback time to let him see that I am not his anymore and I am pretty sure his reaction is going to make my day.
I knew he was standing right beside me and time to test him and see if he really changed, Lilian was standing next to me and her brother Mason and I was busy chatting to him and being extremely nice and touchy.
"So Mason Lilian told me that you started your own business as a personal trainer that's extremely interesting I actually go to the Gym every day with Laura my best friend and find it a source of rage release. "I said to Mason and looked over to Kayden.
"Yes I did and I also enjoy every moment of it, I can defiantly see you work out a lot maybe I can join you some time and give you a few pointers"
"That will be awesome, thank you so much "I said and gave his biceps a small squeeze." I said and the siren went off to let us know that it's time to move inside and take our seats, I looked over to Kayden and saw him grinding his teeth to calm his anger.
I can feel his stare and just ignored him and walk to my seat, when we get seated he turned to my side and asked me "were you trying to piss me off out there? Because it fucking worked!" I mentally clapped my hands in victory yes I know I am a bitch but he deserves it.
"No, I did not why will I ever try to do that? I was have a nice conversation with the Mason who I just met." I sounded a little bit too innocent
"bullshit Leah you know it will piss me of if you do something like that getting all touchy with the guy and giving him false hope just to piss me off "he said and I know him to well he is starting to get extremely angry I just need to push this aside and try to enjoy the night for my baby girl.
"Whatever Kayden, please can we just go back to ignoring each other and have a nice night "I asked and I think I pushed a button now.
"I really don't know what to do to make you believe that we can be on speaking terms without fighting, I know I fuckup big time but can we really just sit and have a decent conversation to sort it out like adults for Mackenzie I don't want her to feel scared every time she wants both of us in the same room! "He said and he has a valid point.
"Fine, we will discuss this later let's just enjoy the show, she has been excited for a month". He nodded and turned to the stage
All of the stage lights dimmed and the music started sweet and soft and then I saw my sweet little girl dressed in a ballerina costume and my heart just lit up with pride, I can see the big smile on her face and when she saw us waving at her smile just grew bigger.
The whole show was so cute with all of the little dancers and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, when the show finished we met with her dance teacher and had a quick chat, she was also so proud of her little dance crew.
Mackenzie saw us and run in her dad's arms with her cute smile and it warms my heart to see them sometimes I wish we can go back to being a big happy family but then everything comes back to me, I just can't let my walls fall down for moments like this.
"Hello my little dance princess, you did an amazing job baby we are extremely proud of you angel". I said to her and kissed her all over her face.
"Thank you mommy, did you see my grand jeté"? Mommy that was extremely hard but I did it can you believe I finally got that right mommy." She said proud and I can see the excitement.
"I did honey it was very impressive my angel". We started walking and I saw Kayden carry her bags and placed them next to my car. He got on his knee and kissed Mackenzie.
"Mommy can daddy please have dinner with us? Pretty pretty please? "She begged and I saw him staring at me waiting for approval.
"Honey daddy is a very busy man, I don't think he will have a free moment maybe some other time my baby."
"That's fine I am 100% free now, I will love to join for dinner if you will allow me to. "He said and looked at me.
"Please mommy please can daddy join us I promise I will help you clean up after." Mackenzie begged and I just gave in.
"Fine your dad can join us tonight. "I said and she jumped to give me a hug, and I saw that Kayden has the biggest smirk on his face.
"Thank you do I need to bring anything with me?" he asked when I got in the car.
"I will let you know if we need anything, you can be at my house around 6."
"See you then I am looking forward to have dinner with my girls." He said and I gave him the deadliest look and drove off."
To be continued.........
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