The exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him.
"Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I...
I stared at Jayden with a blank expression on my face I just could not believe it was him this entire time! "I fucking trusted you and look where that got me! Believe me I know better now "I screamed at his face. I hate him so much.
He just stood there with a smirk on his face "Well honey I am sorry to disappoint you but things never are what they seem and I do know that you are such a sweetheart and have an incredible body by the way, I just needed to do what is best for me"he said and walked closer to me and his phone rang suddenly.
He walked backwards and I am not sure as to who he is speaking to but I did not care this was my only chance and I will take leap so I screamed. "HELP! PLEASE SOMEONEHELP ME! THEY TOOK ME!"
Jayden stormed to my side and gave me one hell of a slap across my face and I can see that he is furious, hopefully someone heard me and then I can get out of here.
I can taste the blood in my mouth and with all of the hits that I take this last few days I think I am used it, he ripped a peace of duct tape with this teeth and placed it harshly on my mouth. "Now I don't have to hope that you will fucking behave!"
I don't know how long I stayed awake but soon enough I drifted to sleep and I feel so weak because of all the blood loss, my whole body is dehydrated and worn out I physically can't move anymore so I lose consciousness every now and again.
I finally woke up and heard Jayden on the phone speaking to someone and I can tell that something is going on because all of them are placing around and they seem quite nervous, they saw that I am awake and Mason walked to me and ripped the tape off my mouth and pulled me up so that I am on a sitting position. "Time to get up Honey we will have company soon enough and I need you to be awake "he said and kissed my temple.
I pulled my head in a different direction so that I am out of his reach "You are disgusting! Get the fuck away from me!" I said to him.
He placed his hand on his heart a fake that my comment was offensive. "That's not a nice thing to say!"
Mason went outside and the rest just stood close to the door with guns in their hands. I heard Jayden say "that fucking bastard actually found us! I need you take her to the basement and keep her there until I say otherwise do you understand?"
Sarah nodded and pulled me up by my arm, "Get up!" She said
We moved to the basement and believe me when I said it hurt like a bitch getting there, I was in the corner of basement and Sarah paced nervously back and forth tapping her gun on her head.
"What's going on Sarah? Are you going to kill me? "I asked and I just need to know.
"Shut up just shut up I can't think straight right now!" she screamed.
"You this is all your fault! You know what I just need to get rid of you and then everything will go back to normal!" she said and placed the gun right beside my head.
Her head suddenly snapped up to the door and we can hear items breaking and cuss words every now and again.
Sarah watched the door and remained quietly for a while and turned around facing me and hit me directly with the gun on the side of my head thankfully her hit was not hard enough to pass out but I can still feel the blood running from skull.
She went to the door while I was just lying on the floor, I heard loud thud coming from upstairs and soon after shooting and that made terrified of what's happening.
The shooting just got more and more and I am shaking with fear, what's going on I need to know! "Sarah what's going on? "I asked
Sarah kept quiet and walked to me, she was facing me and all of the sudden the door flew open and I a gun shot went off.
Everything around me faded, all I see is blood and I know it's mine I can feel it.
I tried to force my eyes open but they just won't stay that way, I heard different voices around me and felt myself being lift from the cold hard floor.
"Baby I need you to stay awake! Please do not leave me!" is that Kayden?
I kept on trying to open my eyes but just can't, just before everything went back I heard him again and defiantly know its Kayden.
"God dammit Leah you do not get to leave me again!" he screamed.
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