Chapter 10 - Kayden's point of view / Fight night

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After leaving Leah's home I went straight to my house got dressed and ready to get this fight over with.

I got to the cage and parked my car and walked to the entrance where Steve is walking up and down and he looks pissed.

"For fuck sakes Kayden you are an hour late I need to get you in that ring ASAP!"

"I am sorry man had a few things to do with the family and all." I said and just dismissed him and went straight to the locker room to get dressed.

I heard the crowd outside the locker room as well as background music playing and I am starting to get pumped up and need to end this as quickly as possible!

The ref walked in the locker room and said that I have 5 minutes and then it is go time and I am already pissed because it is still taking so fucking long I need to get back to them and I can't stand waiting any longer just as I was about to leave the ref signals that I can go now.

My song started to play and I can hear the crowd go wild and it gives me a huge rush, I walked closer to the ring with Steve and Chris my team, I turned around and they started their normal everyday routine of making sure the my hand are correctly wrapped and once everything is done the take of my robe and gave me a nod.

I got into the ring and bounced around waiting for Tyler to enter once I saw him it feels like my entire body is on fire I need to fucking end this idiot he think he is all that well I am going to burst his ego today that's for sure!

The ref introduced us and started with the rules I did not listen one bit I just need to get out of here and go back to my family! We were facing each other and he just gave me a worst attempted of a smirk as I got closer to him he whispered.

"Why don't you just fucking give up Kayden? You have nothing to fight for anymore , if I am done with you I am going to show you how to take care of that sweet peace of ass you had for a girl!" he laughed in my fucking face I am going to murder this son of a bitch.

"Fuck you Tyler why don't you show me what you can do and stop announcing it!"

Tyler goes for the first punch and I actually knew all of his stupid moves because of all the fight I gave been watching, I easily deflects the throw and reflect a hit right back at the same caliber. He was shocked for a moment but soon recovers he hoped around for a few moments and I got to memorize his steps to my advantage and soon gave him one hell of a hit on the jaw just to show him that I have power.

He stumble's and smiled with blood in his mouth "I will make sure she forgets about you every fucking night"

He is just trying to get my attention and I will not let him win! To be honest he is really fucking pissing me off and I am going to end him now!

We circled around each other and he went straight for my legs and that was his biggest mistake of his entire life! I got on top of him and started hitting him one hit after another and my entire short is full of blood as well as the ring but that will not make me stop I need more! He needs to learn that no fucking one will touch her ever!

He kicked me off and I soon recover and placed him in a shoulder submission and pulled as hard as I can felt a click and knew that I just broke the mother fuckers arm!

The bell rings and everyone screamed and cheered well that took longer than I hoped I was just about to head out of the ring when the ref announced that I am the new champion. I just gave him a nod and when ahead climbed out of the locker and went straight to shower and change."

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