31. Epilogue

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Our bond just got stronger and stronger through the years and I love him deeply and I would've never imagined that the fairytale kind of romance will happen to me, for most of the couples it is usually love at first sight and everything falls right into place but not for us we went through so many dark tunnels but made it out to the light every time, that just shows me that maybe we are really just meant to be after all.

Myself and Kayden's love began with young sparks that flew over our heads and soon enough it got destroyed and that what made us stronger now we can handle anything that anyone place in our way and we will make it I know it.

After that night that I turned him down everything changed and I don't mean in a bad way, not at all I just thing that made him realize that he need to fight harder and that's what he did he has been so good to us in every way possible and I don't want to be any other place.

It is Friday night and our anniversary of the day we made it official and I just hope he remembers like I do, it feels extremely special to me just because he is everything I hoped for and more.

"Miss Leah?" Angus called

"Yes Angus, you called, do you need anything?" I asked him

"Miss I was informed to you to the a unknown location like the boss said and I know I am extremely bad at secrets so please do not ask me why "he laughed

I joined his laughter and we walked out of the door to the car and off we go to who knows where, I am extremely curious but won't push to ask what this is about.

I have no idea where we are at this moment but as soon as we get to a dirt road Angus gave me a blind fold to put on and now it get extremely creepy and I do not know what to think and he saw the uneasiness in my features.

"Don't stress Miss Leah you can trust me, I am just following instructions "and just nodded and laced the thing over my eyes.

I can feel we are still driving and it feels like hours on the road when we finally stopped and opened the door.

He helped me get out and guided me while we are walking I can hear people speaking but don't know who, he finally helped me remove the blind fold and as I look around the room that I am currently standing I see my baby girl with a huge box in her hand and the cutest smile.

"Hey baby, don't you want to tell mommy what's going on here? "I asked her

"Nope I am sorry mommy but I am following orders "she said and handed me the box.

I looked at the box and placed it on a very fluffy bed and opened it to see what is in side.

"Mommy I need you to get dressed and soon the ladies will help you get ready for the next step "she said and I don't understand what is going on.

"Don't worry mommy you will love everything in the end" she whispered and walked off with a skip in her step.

I am completely alone and curious to open the box right in front of me and when I finally gave in and opened it I saw the most beautiful white dress with lace on the arms, it is elegant yet sexy and I love it.

I got dressed and as soon as I am fully dressed I struggled with the zip of the back and someone came through the door, a lady and she helped me with a warm smile.

"Hi Leah I am Jasmin and I will be assisting you with your beautiful hair and makeup so let's get started "I just nodded still confused as to what this is.

When I am finally doe with everything I looked at myself in the mirror and I do look wonderful almost didn't recognize myself like this.

"You look absolutely perfect Leah! Now please follow the instructions on this note" she said and walked off.

I looked at the note and read it out loud.

"Dear My Leah.

Today I brought you here just to show you what you mean to me and how much I do love you.

This day is very special to me because I will never forget the day you told me how much you love me, that was the best day of my life and I will make you love me even more every day.

In this letter I won't explain how much I love you I will rather show you when you get near me.

I need you to follow the candles.

Much love ~ Kayden"

By this time my heart is beating outside of my chest and I can't wait to get to him, I followed the candles down the hall and I can feel that I am getting one step closer to him.

I got to the end of the candles and there where allot of people standing in a row with red roses in their hands as I walk past them the hand them to me.

The last person to give me a rose was my little girl and I bowed down to kiss her with tears in my eyes not because I am sad but because I am extremely happy that he went through all of this to make my day special.

"I love you Mommy, now please join my daddy "she said with a smile and I walked straight to him.

The first thing he said to me was.....

"You look beautiful as always Muffin "he said and kissed my head.

"Thank you for all of this Kayden I do love everything about this, and thank you for remembering "I said and he smiled at me.

"I will never forget Muffin, now please can I have this dance? "He asked.

"There is no music Kayden don't be silly" I said and he smirked

"Well I can change that "and just like that the soft music played in the background.

We danced for a while in each other's arms and it felt like home, everything feels so perfect and this is where I belong in his arms.

"Muffin so I haven't officially said happy anniversary so hear it goes, I love you so much Muffin and when I you say it back it makes my day and when I say I love you more that doesn't exactly mean I love you more than you love me it means that I love you more than I love life itself and I love you more every time we have a bad day, you have taught me so many things and how to be the better man, the love you have showed me how to be happy and in my life that was full of darkness that must have been a challenge but with someone as wonderful as you everything is possible, the walls I build up after I lost you crumbled down as soon as I saw you again. I will always believe that we are made to be with each other. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you Muffin for giving me the greatest gift I could ever receive and that is my wonderful little girl! Happy Anniversary Muffin and I wish for many more as long as you let me I will treasure you! I Love you truly" he said to me and by this time my eyes are soaked with tears and I can see him crying to.

So emotional yet beautiful day, I love this man with everything in me and that is why I decided to start thinking about our future and that nothing can stop us if we stick together.

I looked it his eyes and for the first time I won't hesitate what I am about to do I know what I want and need.

"Ask me to marry you again"




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