Tattoos and Scars

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Chapter 9

Rosé's POV

Monday - December 31, 2017

Nari had an emergency at the hospital and asked me to look after Talia for a few hours. She felt bad since it's New Year's Eve and she wants me to be with my family, but she's clearly the only one. I was not exactly in the mood to be near my family, so I agreed. She texted me about five minutes ago informing me she was on her way home. Talia had gone to bed a while ago since it's pretty late. Almost eleven. I just sat in the living room watching the New Year's Eve show waiting for Nari. When the door opened, I sat up expecting to see her, but I saw Jungkook instead. I didn't think anything of it, but then I watched as he made his way to the stairs and realized he was limping while holding his side. I quickly went over to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulder so it would be easier to walk. We made it to his room where he immediately collapsed on his bed and wincing in the process. He was also breathing really heavy.

"What happened?" I prompted.

"Motorcycle accident." I left the room and grabbed the first aid kit hoping there was something in it that could stop the pain. I went back to his room and he was in the same position.

"You say motorcycle accident. What exactly happened?"

"I was on my way home from work when a car ran through a stop sign and hit my bike."

"Why did you come back here? You should've gone to the hospital."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Instead of interrogating me, could you give me the first aid kit?" I didn't want to upset him even more, but he couldn't fix himself. Not with the condition he was in.

"You're in no position to treat yourself. It seems like you can barely breathe. Let me help."

He shook his head, "No, it's fine. Just go back downstairs."

"Stop being so stubborn and take off your jacket."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Take off your jacket." He groaned before sitting up and attempting to slip his jacket off. He struggled a bit with the pain in his side, so I had to help him. "Now take your shirt off."

"Rosé, just leave. I can do it myself."

"I just helped you take off your jacket. You can't do this by yourself."

"Yes, I can. Now leave." I could tell he was getting annoyed.

He may be stubborn, but so am I. "Jungkook, if you don't let me help you, I'll call for an ambulance and they'll take you to the hospital." His breathing finally seemed stable. "Just take off your shirt so I can help you."

He stood up and sighed before staring into my eyes. "I warned you." He then grabbed the hem of his black t-shirt and pulled it over his head, wincing every now and then. He dropped the shirt on the floor before looking back at me, though I wasn't looking back in his eyes. I was looking at his chest, the sight making me want to cry. All over his defined abs and chest were scars. Long and deep scars.

"Where did you get all those scars?"

"I told you my dad was a crazy drunk. I think you can figure the rest out on your own." I stepped closer to him and without thinking, traced my finger over a few of the scars. I could still feel his gaze on me, though he didn't stop my movements which surprised me.

I then asked a question I was afraid to hear the answer to, "Did he ever touch Talia?" I finally looked him in the eyes.

"No. I never let him. I probably wouldn't have as many scars if he did."

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