My First Day

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"Good morning Peter!" I heard. I rubbed my eyes, and I sat up. I hit my head on the ceiling, since I forgot I was in the top bunk that night. I rubbed my head in pain, and got down from the bunk. I turned and saw the one and only Bonnie, sitting there with a giant grin on her face.

"Mrs Harrison said that I'm doing the mail today." She explained. Bonnie was four years old, one of the youngest children in the orphanage. Normally the young ones are adopted right away, unless you're unlucky like me.

The girl stuffed an envelope into my hands, and left my room.

Well, I shouldn't say my room.

I actually shared the room with five other boys. There are only two sets of bunk beds in the room though, so we all take turns sharing bunks with other boys. That night was a good night for me, since I got my bunk all to myself.

I blinked away the rest of my sleepiness, and opened the envelope. I never get mail. I thought to myself as I pulled out the sheet.

I don't remember exactly what it said, but I do know that in big bold letters at the top it said: ACCEPTED, and right next to the word was the Stark logo.

A smile plastered onto my face and I looked at all the other boys with glee. "I got a Stark Internship!" I exclaimed. Everyone looked up and congratulated me, patting my back and giving me fist bumps.

Suddenly, for the first time in a while, I had hope.

Hope for my future, hope that as soon as I turn old enough, I could make a difference in the world. Hope that I could maybe have a family, and own a house, and not be homeless.

The First Day of the Stark Internship

"Time for breakfast!" I heard the snotty voice call. All the boys left the room, and I was left to open dresser drawers.

I decided to wear black jeans and a white T-Shirt, with a jean jacket. I also grabbed a black baseball cap and put it on my head. 

I left the room and found myself in a hallway. I walked down the hallway, and walked down the stairs to a dining room. I saw Mrs Harrison tossing fruit snacks onto the table for the orphans - like me - to scavenge like we're in the hunger games.

I managed to get my hands on two packets.

"Alright, that's your days worth of food. Now do your chores." She scowled. We all nodded. I grabbed the trash out of the trash bins and took them outside to place in our giant trash can. That was my chores, taking out the trash.

As soon as I was finished, I headed back upstairs to the boys room. I grabbed my iPod and headphones, and I also grabbed my backpack. I put my notebook and sketch pencils inside, and opened the boys window.

I lept out the window into a bush in the backyard of the house, and lept onto my bike. I put my headphones in, and began to listen to music as I pedaled to the Avengers Tower.

When I finally arrived at the large building, I parked my bike outside of the tower. I walked into the entrance, to find what looked like a lobby. I took my earbuds out and shoved hem in my pockets as I stared in amazement at the Avengers' home.

"Name please?" I heard. I looked over and realized that the desk agent was talking to me.

"Uhh... Peter... Peter Parker." I told her.

"Alright Peter Parker, here's your I.S. pass and ID." The lady told me, handing me what looked like a badge. It had my school picture on it and my name, and a green light at the top.

I assumed when she said 'I.S.' it stood for Internship.

"Alright, your destination is on the second floor." She told me. I nodded at her and walked into the elevator.

When I entered the elevator, I realized there were no buttons. "Please scan your ID." I heard a robotic feminine voice say in the elevator. I looked over and saw a scanner, and slid my ID across it. "Welcome Peter Benjamin Parker. Level One Access Pass. What floor would you like to go to today?" The voice asked.

"Floor two, please." I assured the voice.

"Bringing Peter to the second floor." The voice assured me. In the meantime, I was getting ready to meet one of Tony Stark's workers.

But when the elevator doors opened, I was greeted by Tony Stark himself.

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