Fire Escape

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I flew back to the Avengers building, where I found the rest of the Avengers standing in the main room wondering where we went. "Peter escaped with his friend Wade... I think they went back to the orphanage." 

"What?" Steve asked confused.

"Doesn't matter now, we need to send the police." Sam stated.

"Whatever it was it seemed important... will Peter be harmed if we call the police?" I questioned.

"I don't think so... let's just call the police anyways. They can handle the situation. We shouldn't dive too deep into this anyways." Banner stated. 

"Alright. Let's call 'em." 


Soon we began to see the hallway glow red, telling us that there were flames. "I'm scared..." I heard a kid say. I turned and saw six year old Jacob staring at Wade, who was desperately trying to get his hands free of the rope. "They really tied these things." He grunted.

"Yeah... it'll be alright." I assured him. "Jacob, everything's going to be okay. The police are coming, I promise."

I began to see smoke drifting into the room. "Okay everyone, try and tuck your heads the lowest you can with your hands tied. Breath slowly, and make sure not to let the smoke enter your body." I ordered. Everyone began to tuck their heads down. "Try not to get smoke in your eyes either... it stings."

Everyone had their heads tucked down, and I realized that Wade - who was the tallest - had his head the highest. "I can't tuck my head down any farther, my hands are tied to high." He informed me.

After a few minutes, we finally saw the flames spread into our view. "Fire!" A girl screamed, jerking at her restraints. 

"Calm down! Everyone keep their head low!" I ordered, everyone lowering their head and trying to inch as far away from the flames as possible. Suddenly I heard sirens in the distance. "The police are almost here!" I shouted over the crackling of the flames.

Wade burst into a fit of coughs. I looked over and saw that his eyes were scrunched shut, since the smoke had reached his level. "Wade it's okay! Just take slow breaths!" I told him.

"Peter.. I can't.." I heard him croak. He broke into another fit of coughs, and I saw his eyes begin to water. Suddenly, he went limp.

"WADE!" I shouted, tugging at the rope. Wade hung limp beside me, and my heart began to beat faster, since I knew I was the next tallest kid in the group.

The sirens were finally loud enough to the point that they were right outside the house. "HELP US!" Chase shrieked.

"WE'RE TRAPPED!" Finn screeched.

"COME HELP US!" Jacob screamed.

"HEEEEEELP!" I shouted, joining the boys. Soon every kid in the room (except Wade) was screaming and crying out for anyone to help.


"Holy shit! Look at the news!" Clint suddenly exclaimed. We all walked over and stared at the TV.

"Golden Kids orphanage has recently burst into flames. Police are reporting that they hear the kids scream, but the firefighters can't get in for going debree has already blocked the path."

"That's Peter's orphanage! We've gotta go!" I shouted.

We all got into our suits and were heading over as fast as we could possibly go.


After about five minutes, we realized the firefighters haven't arrived yet. "Why aren't they coming, Peter?" Jacob asked with a sob.

"I... I don't know!" I exclaimed, going into panic mode. "Wade! Please wake up..." I begged.

Suddenly, I felt the smoke sting my eyes. "Gah!" I exclaimed, shutting my eyes and clenching them. I soon realized that the smoke was around my face, so I began holding my breath, not wanting the smoke to enter my body.

It was very tough to hold my breath without plugging my nose, but I managed for about a half minute, before I finally gave in.

I took in a sharp inhale, which was immediately followed by a fit of coughs. After each cough my body tried to take a deep breath, which led to more smoke entering my body and even more coughs. "Peter?" I heard Chase ask.

"Just don't breath in the smoke!" I manage to rasp. Then I felt my body begin to shut down. I feel sleepy... I need to rest.. NO! FIGHT! I exclaimed in my head, and my body attempted to breath in again.

Suddenly I heard a familiar noise. I looked up and saw Mr Stark land in the room. "Thank God the fire didn't reach..." I heard Tony's voice trail off.

"Mr Stark..." I mumbled, and then everything went black.


When I finally arrived, I dove into the house, blasting any piece of wood that blocked my way. My Ironman suit can protect against the flames and the smoke. I assured myself as I made my way up to the screams.

Then I found a room which the fire hadn't reached yet. I landed inside and realized the kids were in fine condition, just tied up and everything. "Thank god the fire didn't reach.." I began, but trailed off when I saw Wade limp. I looked at Peter and he looked like he was about to nod off.

"Mr Stark.." I heard him mumble, and then he went limp.

"No no no no no..." I murmured. Natasha entered the room, and immediately began cutting the ropes with her knife. The kids stood up and looked around in fear. Natasha lifted two little girls in each arm, and had one little boy wrapped around her back like he was getting a piggy back ride.

"Grab someone!" She exclaimed to me, before leaving the room to give the kids to the paramedics.

"Alrighty.." I mumbled, grabbing Peter and Wade's limp bodies and flying them outside. "Shit... Peter!" I exclaimed fo myself, angry at the teen that he got himself into this mess.

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