I'm Getting Adopted

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I stirred awake, and I felt pain in my lungs. I coughed a bit, but otherwise I felt fine. I felt clean. I remember a few days ago I had burns on my forearms and smoke in my lungs, with ash staining the skin on my face. Now I felt healthy and nice, I smelled of watermelon shampoo.

I looked and saw a clip thing on my finger. I remembered from science class (which is my favorite subject) that it's a pulse oximeter, and it helps measure breathing problems. I must've had a lot of lung and breathing problems after having smoke in my lungs for so long.

Suddenly I saw a nurse come in the room. She smiled at me. I blinked a bit, adjusting the blurriness in my eyes. I was still trying to wake up from the long slumber I had just had. "Hello Peter, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers would like to visit you, is that okay?" She asked with a nice and soft voice.

"Y-Yeah... that's fine." I replied with a somewhat raspy voice. She smiled and nodded and walked out of the room. I ran my fingers through my hair, still trying to comprehend the events that had just happened.

I looked up and saw Steve and Tony walk into the room, with soft smiles on their face. They sat in chairs that were next to my hospital bed. "Can I take these things off my fingers?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, you don't have asthma or anything." Tony replied. I nodded, and pulled the clip off of my finger. I gulped, and my throat felt dry.

"Is there water here? I'm kinda thirsty..." I said.

"I'll go get you a drink. Ice? Crushed or cubed?" Steve questioned.

"Crushed. It's the best ice." I told him. The captain smiled at me and left the room, leaving me alone with Tony.

We sat in silence for a moment, the event still hanging over our heads. "I'm sorry." I told him, feeling guilt about the whole incident.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Stark questioned me, not knowing what I possibly could be sorry for. I hung my head and looked away. I looked back at him.

"I'm sorry for not telling you. I was... scared." I apologized.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. I just wished I could've helped out sooner, that's all." Tony assured me.

"I'm sorry for running off after you found out... too." I added, biting my lip nervously, not sure what he was going to respond with.

"Yeah.. you had a heck of an escape too. Those boasters on that motorcycle.. did you build that?" He questioned. I looked up at him and nodded. "Wow, you're a good engineer Peter. I'm glad I had you as my intern."

"What about Mrs Harrison? What happened to her?" I asked, changing to subject, not wanting him to boast my ego to the next level.

"Put behind bars. For, ya know, abusing kids and setting an orphanage on fire. Police caught her not too far away from the scene, escaping with her boyfriend Christian in a beat up vehicle." Tony informed me.

Steve came back into the room with a clear plastic cup filled with water and crushed ice. "Here you go kid. I hope you like it." Steve said, placing it down on the desk next to the bed.

"It's hard to dislike water." I replied, picking up the cup and taking a sip. The cool water soothed my dry throat easily. "So.. where do I go?" I ask them. "What orphanage?"

"You're coming with us, kid." Tony informed me. My eyes widened.

"Like... temporarily.. right?" I questioned, doubting that they'd let me stay with them forever.

"We already signed the papers. Steve and I are your legal guardians, since we're the leaders of the Avengers. You're being adopted." Tony informed me.

My eyes widened even more, if that's even possible. "You're kidding." I said as if it was a fact, in denial of what they just told me.

"As serious as Clint Barton with his peanut butter cookies." Tony confirmed, taking a sip out of a coffee mug he had. Tony instantly spit the coffee back into the cup. "Jesus, hospitals gotta work on their coffee."

I didn't hear any words he had just said, in shock that I was finally being adopted. "I can't believe it... I've been in an orphanage all my life!" I exclaimed.

"Relax kid, your heart rates increasing." Steve told me. That made me pay attention to the rhythmic beeps that were steadily beeping at a faster pace.

I took a deep breath to try and slow my heart rate. "O-okay... so I'm... being adopted... by Tony Stark and Steve Rogers..." I whispered with a trembling voice. "This is t-totally normal." I assured myself.

"Let's go. The doctors said you're good tah-go, kiddo!" Steve exclaimed, standing up. Tony helped me out of my bed, and I followed them out of the hospital, my fingers tapping the sides of my legs anxiously. We stopped momentarily, Steve checking me out at the front desk, and walked outside to one of Tony's sports cars.

This isn't happening.

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