Lunch is Over

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The rest of the morning I spent placing different tools and gadgets in different drawers, organizing in Mr Stark's new desk. I made sure to label the drawers, so Tony never got confused about which items were where.

Sometimes Stark would tell me to get him a certain type of coffee, and I'd do that. Sometimes I grabbed myself a soda, mainly Dr Pepper. 

Eventually lunch rolled around, and I realized that this time Mrs Harrison didn't give me any food since I was late yesterday.

"Hey kid, you wanna eat with us again today? Everyone seemed to like you yesterday." Tony told me. My fingers began to fidget nervously, since I realized I didn't have a choice. Someone's going to bring up the bruises. I need a cover story. I thought to myself.

"Sure." I replied, not wanted to offend Tony's offer by turning it down. He smiled and I followed him into the elevator.

Eventually they opened again, and I sat at the table to find that Vision hadn't made a spaghetti dinner this time. I can't remember the last time I had pasta. I thought to myself, sitting in between Tony and Shuri.

"So... Clint, are you going to tell him?" Steve asked, stabbing a meatball. I reached over and grabbed the Parmesan.

"Tell me... what?" Tony asked, setting down his fork and preparing for the worst. I began to shake the cheese onto my noodles and meatballs.

"I broke the air conditioner." Clint mumbled.

"You what?!" Tony exclaimed. Shuri dropped her fork on her plate with a clang. I looked up from pouring my Parmesan and glanced at the two men.

"It was an accident!" Clint assured him.

Tony groaned with frustration. "Peter and I need it to work, Barton! It gets hot in my workshop." He told him. "Can't Banner fix it or something?"

"It's unfixable, Clint completely broke it while shooting arrows." Bruce informed Stark.

"You were shooting arrows in the building?!" Tony shouted.

"You don't need to yell at him for that, believe me, we did." Steve assured Stark.

He sighed. "Friday, order a new air conditioner." Tony ordered.

"Ordering a new air conditioner." I heard the female voice confirm.

We all ate our spaghetti in silence for a while, Tony clearly upset at Clint. I saw Steve and Bucky share a glance, and I instantly knew they were going to bring up the bruises at some point. 

You just... fell down the stairs! Yeah! I thought to myself. No... you don't land on your neck. How about we were playing tough games in the woods? Me and the boys in the orphanage. Yup, that's more believable.

"So are we going to talk about it or what?" I heard Shuri say. I began to sweat, nervous how everyone would react.

"Yeah. What are those bruises from, Peter?" Steve asked. I chewed slowly on my spaghetti, wanting to postpone the answer.

"What bruises?" Tony asked.

Shuri suddenly yanked down my sweater and a bunch of the Avengers gasped.

"What the hell Peter?" Tony questioned.

"It's nothing major." I assured them.

"What do you mean, it's nothing major? You're neck is purple and blue!" Stark exclaimed.

"Mr Stark, you know how boys get." I told him. "We were just playing with large branches in the woods, one of the boys hit me too hard."

"Why would you hide it then?" Wanda questioned.

"It's just... unprofessional." I told them.

"First I see a skinny kid who looks like he doesn't eat enough, now you have bruises all around your neck?" Tony questioned. "Those boys must be playing very rough."

"We're all orphans, Mr Stark. We don't have parents to yell at us or scold us or whatever." I said to him.

"You're an orphan?" Sam asked me.

"What happened to your parents?" Natasha asked with curiousity.

I began to shrink back, uncomfortable with the sudden topic change to my parents. Suddenly everyone started asking me questions.

"Do you live at an orphanage?"

"How old are you?"

"They don't punish you?"

"Why are the bruises all the way around your neck if you got hit in the front?"

"Do they feed you?"

"How many kids are at the orphanage?"

"Which orphanage to you go to?"

All the questions about me and my dark past became overwhelming. My hands began to tremble, and I suddenly stood up at the table. "I have to use the restroom." I told everyone in a slightly shaking voice.


"What the hell, guys?" I asked when Peter left the room. "He's sensitive about that stuff! You guys just bombarded him with questions!"

"I'm sorry... we were just curious." Clint mumbled.

"Shush! You don't get the talking privilege yet, you machine-breaker." I snapped at him.

"Is he okay?" Steve asked. "I mean, I know this is only his second day, but I feel like we should have more respect for him."

"I agree. We were very disrespectful to his privacy." Natasha said in a serious tone. "Lunch is over, and from now on, we treat Peter like he's one of our own."

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