Lunch with the Avengers

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After a few minutes of getting to know Peter, I knew I chose the right kid. He had genuine smile, and he's very smart for his age. He's treats me respectfully and is a super good help with building stuff. I would say I get things done twice as fast with his help.

But there was something off about him. I recognized as soon as I brought it up: that he was uncomfortable talking about being an orphan. But he cracked a joke about it, making it seem like he was fine with it.

I also noticed that he was pretty skinny. It looked like he didn't eat much, and I was slightly worried. Some kids are naturally skinny. I assured myself.

At around noon, I saw Peter take out a packet of fruit snacks. "Is that all you brought?" I asked him.

"Nah, I brought two." He told me, and held up another packet.

"That's all you're eating for lunch?" I asked again.

He shrugged. "I'm not that hungry." He assured me, but the way he was staring at the fruit snacks in his hands told me that he was hungry.

"Wanna come upstairs with me?" I offered. "Vision makes delicious lunches."

Peter nodded quickly. I led him into the elevator and I scanned my ID. "Welcome Tony Stark. Level Seven All Access Pass." Friday said to me.

"Floor five please." I requested.

Once the elevator doors opened again, Peter's eyes widened.


Once the elevator doors opened, I was shocked.

There was a living room, which had three sofas and two comfy looking chairs, and a massive TV. There was also a coffee table in the center. There was also a kitchen, with a stove and oven, a giant fridge, a dishwasher, cupboards and drawers, a toaster and a microwave. There was a center island in the kitchen, with a few stools scooted up to it. And finally, there was a dining room, where a giant table was placed with many chairs surrounding it.

But that's not the best part.

The Avengers were hanging out up here.

Clint (Hawkeye) was hanging out on the couch next to Natasha (Black Widow), while watching a show on TV. Steve (Captain America) was talking to a Rhodey (War Machine) on the stools in the kitchen, while watching Vision make a meal. Wanda (Scarlet Witch) was assisting Vision by using her telekinesis, and Banner (Hulk) was studying her powers with interest. Bucky (Winter Soldier) was trying to lift Thor's hammer with his metal arm, while Thor watched him with amusement. Pietro was messing with T'Challa (Black Panther) by zooming past him. T'Challa's sister Shuri was trying to pull a prank on Sam (Falcon) while he was sleeping.

I was at a loss of words.

"EVERYONE!" Tony shouted loudly. Everyone froze in their tracks, and Sam jolted upright having just woken up from a deep slumber. "This is my first intern! His name is Peter Parker, and he helped me with my Ironman suit today."

I blushed slightly at the compliment and waved slightly, taken aback by the sudden attention of a famous group of heroes.

Bruce stopped studying Wanda's abilities and walked up to Tony and I. "So this is the mini genius, eh?" He asked, shaking my hand. I can't believe I'm shaking Bruce Banner's hand. I thought to myself.

"Yeah, he's great!" Tony exclaimed, grabbing my shoulder in a friendly gesture. "He's very smart for his age." I grinned at the compliment.

"I only get the smarts from reading your books, Dr Banner." I informed Bruce. He smiled and nodded at me.

"You know, I'm beginning to like this kid." Banner told Tony, and patted me on the shoulder.

"Please, just don't boast his ego any more." Tony informed me.

"You're one to talk." Natasha said, standing up from the couch. She strutted over to me and nodded in my direction. "Greetings." She said.

My eyes widened and my smile turned bigger. "H-Hi!" I said, adoring her. She looked confused. "Sorry... just you're the coolest."

She smiled. "I agree with Bruce on this one, this kid's great." Natasha told Tony.

"Lil man! You're supposed say I'm the best!" Tony said jokingly.

"Puny little human, I'm clearly the best in the universe." I heard a familiar deep voice say. I looked over and my eyes beamed with joy when I saw my favorite god.

"Thor!" I exclaimed.

"Your meal is ready." I heard a robotic voice say.

"Thanks Vision! Come on kid, lets go eat." Tony told me.

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