Mentally Insane

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Soon after everyone hugged me, they all left the room, leaving Tony and I by ourselves. "Peter... come sit." He told me, patting the sofa and sitting down next to the spot. I sat down beside him, but couldn't look him in the eye. "Why didn't you tell me, Peter?" He questioned. "Why didn't you tell... anyone?"

I felt my jaw start to tremble again, and my lip quivered. This time, I couldn't help it. The tears spilled over and onto my cheeks. "I'm.. scared..." I choked out, my voice slightly cracking.

Tony nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Well it's okay now, we can get this sorted out." He informed me. I nodded, looking down at my feet.

Then my head snapped up, realizing what he meant by that. He's going to call the police. I need to get back. Now. "I-I'm Sorry M-Mr Stark! I-I gotta go!" I exclaimed, wiping my cheek with my hand and grabbing my backpack off of the floor.

"No, kid wait!" He called but I had already commanded Friday.

I tapped my foot impatiently. I realized I had to get back sooner than expected. I whipped out my phone and began to text Wade.


W: what happened wtf peter 


W: im omw.

The elevator doors finally opened and I slapped my ID down onto the front desk. The desk agent jumped but I didn't care. I opened the doors and was about to get onto the sidewalk when Ironman landed in front of me. "You're not going anywhere kid." I heard him say.

His mask flipped up and revealed Tony's face. Then I heard a honk. "PETEY!" I heard a familiar voice call.

"Sorry Mr Stark, I gotta go." I told him, and ran past him. I lept onto the back of Wade's motorcycle. "DRIVE!" I ordered, and we sped off.

I wrapped my arms around Wade's stomach so I didn't fall off, and looked over my shoulder. I saw Tony begin flying our way, and I knew his Ironman suit would beat us in a race. "Hit the blue button!" I ordered Wade.

The boy looked down at a giant blue button in the center of the motorcycle. "What the hell is that? That's not normally there!" He exclaimed.

"Just hit it! I made enhancements, I work in Tony Stark's lab for crying out loud!" I exclaimed. Wade smacked the button, and suddenly boasters came out of the sides of the motorcycle. "Hasta la vista baby!" I called, before the motorcycle began going twice it's speed.

"OH MY GOD I CAN BARELY STEER THIS THING ITS GOING TOO FAST!" Wade shouted as we barely dodged vehicles. Everything was a blur, I wasn't sure how Wade could detect everything while driving so fast.

I'm pretty sure we ran several red lights.


They think they can get away from me? I thought, taking off the ground and easily following the motorcycle. Suddenly, I saw strange things pop out of the sides. "Hasta la vista baby!" I heard Peter call, and then the thing blasted away.

It was insane how fast the vehicle was going.

"I shouldn't have let him help me in my lab!" I exclaimed, and set myself down on the sidewalk. 


We made it back to the orphanage in three minutes tops. Wade bursted the door open, and a Christian and Mrs Harrison looked surprised and upset.

"Don't you open the door like that!" She scolded. "You need a beating!"

"Not now." Wade said in a serious tone. He gave her the death glare. The death glare.

Wade's glares are the scariest thing you've ever seen.

She looked taken aback as we stormed up the stairs. "Guys!" I exclaimed, bursting open the door to the boys room. They all looked up terrified, but their faces relaxed when they saw it was just Wade and I.

"I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I know the cops are going to end up here eventually today." I told them in the most serious tone. Their eyes widened.

"WHAT!?" I heard a screech. The door burst open, and I saw Mrs Harrison. "I listened through the door to see what you boys were saying, and the cops are going to come?!"

"N-No..." I murmured.


The girls came racing into the room, following Mrs Harrison's orders. "Since you all called the cops and are going to ruin my life, I'm going to end yours." She said.


Christian returned with matches, gasoline, and rope. Mrs Harrison grabbed my wrist and threw me onto the ground. She sat me up against the bunk and tied my hands to the post, above my head.

She did this to Wade, then Chase, then Bonnie, and the rest of the children, tying them up to the bunk posts one by one. Christian in the meantime, was pouring gasoline down the stairs. I could hear it pour.

"Okay kids, have fun in HELL." Mrs Harrison said in an evil voice, and closed the door to our room and locked it.

"Oh my God, are they going to set the orphanage on fire??" Chase asked in a high pitched voice.

"It's okay.." Wade murmured across the room, who was also tied. "Everyone stay calm, the police are on their way."


Okay... ikr... wtf?! Mrs Harrison definitely has mental issues. But then again, she beats children, which is probably a mental disorder within itself. But this escalated FAST.

 But this escalated FAST

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