Elevator (bucky barnes)

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I stormed out of the living room of the avengers tower. Ever since Bucky Barnes started living with us, Tony had be much more argumentative, shitting about Bucky whenever Steve wasn't around. Today was one of those days: Tony was talking about how Bucky should've gone back into his freezer where he came from, while Steve was on a mission and Bucky was in his room. Tony would never say it to Bucky's face- he was way too scared of him. But nonetheless he still did it and I don't know why it affected me so much but it did.

I've always had a strange attraction to Bucky ever since we rescued him from hydra. At first he never talked to me; only Steve. But gradually he began to smile at me if we see each other in the corridor. My heart warm every time at those smile. Occasionally he would say 'hi' and even ask how I was. Then Steve paired us up for training and I know right then when I saw him in a grey vest and black joggers that I was a gonner. He looked so god damn hot it was hard to not kiss him right there and then. But I told myself over and over again that he didn't want me and then I told myself that I didn't have feelings for him. Repeating those phrases only worked for the former: no matter how hard I tried, the way I felt about him wouldn't change. Recently we became quite close but not that any of the other avengers noticed apart from Steve and Nat, both of who looked out for Bucky.

I was still walking at a fast pace when I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to halt in my step.Instinctively, I tuned on my heels, my fists raised. Two hands swiftly caught my arms and I started to panic, but then on one wrist I felt coldness and I looked up at the person who had grabbed my wrist. My breath hitched.

"Bucky?" I question slowly as he released my wrist. I already missed the contrasting heat and coldness of his two hands on my wrists. I nearly whined out loud. I looked into his hypnotising blue eyes as his lips turned upwards, curving into a perfect smile. God I really wanted to kiss him.
"Sam said that you seemed like you were on a war path, I thought I would see if you were okay," he said sweetly, smiling that innocent smile of his. I looked at the rest of him and saw what he was wearing. Grey joggers hung low on his waist and a black shirt fit snugly around his torso, showing off every muscle in his arms and chest that he had. 

I fought for restraint and met his eyes once more. "I don't want to talk about it buck but thanks." His smile faltered slightly but he wasn't giving up. "You know I won't take that for an answer doll," I nearly groan at his nickname for me, "please y/n." He looked so hot when he was pleading like this but he also looked concerned.

"Bucky I'm sorry," I said shaking my head and turning away in the direction I was intending to go in the first place: my room. I didn't hear him follow my but as I stepped into the elevator so did he.

"Angel please, I can't stand to see you upset" he pressed the button that read our floor number. We both happed to share a floor along with Steve as we all agreed it would be a good idea. "I thought you were in your room buck, how did you find out?" I changed the subject. He gave me a weary look and realised he was getting nowhere. I was about as stubborn as he was hot and that was very. "Well doll I wasn't exactly in my room, I was in the gym and then Sam walked in" he said after a while. I didn't meet his eyes but I used my werewolf hearing to listen to his heart and realised it was higher then normal. "And he just happened to mention that I was in a war path" I retorted giving him more attitude then he deserved.

Bucky stepped towards me and ignored my earlier comment. I refused to meet his eyes. He used his metal arm to lightly lift my chin upwards, encouraging me to look at him: as if it wasn't already hard enough to resist his charm. Suddenly my resolve disintegrated as he brushed his thumb over my cheek and tucked a stay price of hair behind my ear. He hand rested on my cheek. I knew if he asked again I would crack under his touch.

"Darling, please talk to me. I want to help, God there's nothing more I want then to see you happy and you clearly aren't. I can't do anything if you won't tell me. So please doll let me help" he pleaded.
"He was talking buck" I muttered.
"Tony?" He question. He knew, of course he knew. I mentioned it to Steve the other week but didn't imagine that he would tell Bucky. I didn't answer him but just nodded.
"Doll it's okay, it doesn't effect me anymore. He's angry and he has every right to be after everything I have done. You don't have to worry"
I looked at his, slightly astonished. He was used to it!!
"But it's not fair. What happened wasn't you...it wasn't you." I muttered but he heard. He suddenly leaned in closer but then I realised it was to reach behind to to flip the stop switch on the elevator.
"Buck?" I question.
"Doll I'm gonna keep you here as long as it takes to convince you that you don't need you worry. Why don't you sit down? Knowing how stubborn you are this could take some time." He removed his hand from my cheek and sat down on the elevator floor. I hesitated but then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to him. I sat on his right, his human arm wrapping around my shoulder and my head resting on his shoulder. This has happened before but I could never get used to it or even believe that it was happening. After a few bad missions me and Bucky would sit on the couch in his room and watch Disney films. We would eventually fall asleep together and wake up cuddling. But it never changed the way we were.

"Bucky listen its just really hard when he talks like that about you." I said gently, trying to avoid saying that I had feelings for you. I felt him look down at me, his warm breath tickling my ear. "Why doll, why is it so hard for you to hear bad things about me? We both know they are true." He said slowly. I couldn't answer. I couldn't ruin our friendship but I was fighting a losing battle. I've gone so long wanting to have him as mine and now I couldn't hold back. "I love you buck" I whispered, barely audibly. He didn't hear me and he was still giving me a curious look. I turned to him and his human arm fell down to my waist. My lips were just mere inches from his.

"I love you Bucky" I said louder. He outwardly sighed relief which confused me greatly. His small smile grew into a large rare one. I gazed into his eyes trying to look for any type of negative reaction but instead his eyes were filled with joy: a rare sight on such a beautiful face.
"I'm so glad you said that doll" he smirked.

I felt his gentle breath on my lips. His grip on my waist tightened as he pulled me closer to his chest and he reached his metal hand to the back of my neck. He gently brushed his lips against mine, giving me a chance to back out if I wanted but I think if he stopped now I wouldn't have survived. I fully connected our lips together and it felt like pure ecstasy. Our lips fit together like pieces of a puzzle. His metal hand tangled in my hair and pulled me impossibly closer. His tongue danced along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied at first gently biting his bottom  lip causing him to grunt at me. I smiled into the kiss and then allowed him to make his way into my mouth. Out tongues battled for dominance, but I soon gave up getting lost in the feeling of the kiss.

Far too soon we had to pull away for air. He leant his forehead against mine both of us panting slightly. "Wow, doll didn't know you could kiss like that," he muttered. "But now I've got a taste of you I'm never gonna get enough again." "Me either soldier." I mumbled, burying my head into the crook of his neck. One of his hands made its way to my hair and again and he just repeatedly ran his fingers through it. "Well now that it's happened I'm gonna do the thing I've been wanting to do for ages, doll." He said into my hair. I tuned my head slightly to look into his gorgeous eyes. I gave him a confused look. "Doll, would you do me the honours of accompanying you on a date?" He asked nervously. My heart was doing fireworks as I replied. "The honour will be all mine James." He smiled at my use of his first name. I didn't use it often, but he knew when I was being affectionate towards him and right now I definitely was.

He took my hand in his metal one and kissed the top of mine all the while keeping eye contact with me. The action sent shivers down my spine. "I love you doll". He muttered before he leant in to kiss me again, just a brief kiss this time. Once his lips left mine, he stood up and pulled me with him and into his chest. His arms wrapped around me and he kissed my forehead. He once again flipped the emergence stop button and the elevator reverberate to life. He held me close until the door opened and then he leant down and whispered in my ear "I'll pick you up at seven tonight. Wear something comfortable. And no, don't try asking cause it's a surprise. No matter how hard you tempt me, my need to please you is so much greater." He playfully shoved me away when I nodded into his chest.

I turned away with joy in my heart thinking that this all might actually work out.

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