Psychopath (peter hale)

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Warning: explicit content towards the end

A Psychopath. That's what he was. Behind his flirting, behind his good charms, behind his gorgeous smile he was a psychopath. He's killed people, you shouldn't be falling for him but somehow you could escape the pull you felt when you were with him. And that's how you landed yourself in this situation.

You were at the loft, intending to talk to Derek but silently hoping to catch a glimpse of the ex-alpha. Without knocking you opened the loft door and walked in. 'Derek!' You called out, knowing someone was here, their heart beat strong. 'I know you're here der' You said softer, knowing he would hear even if you whispered. Despite him being your alpha, he gave you a free reign, pretty much letting you do what ever you wanted. Right now though you were here to talk to him about a strange mark you woke up with: a black infinity sign on your left wrist. You washed it again and again but it wouldn't even smudge. You sighed once more at the lack of reply. 'Derek' you practically shouted.

A light thumping on the stairs caught your attention, the person standing there making your breath hitch in your throat. You took a slow breath to keep your heart beat steady knowing he would detect it. 'Peter' you whispered as he made his way down the stairs. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers and a long-sleeved black v-neck. Boxers that left very little to imagination, making you bit your lip to hold back a gasp. Through his tight shirt you could see his toned muscles which your body was aching to touch. You pulled your eyes away before he could notice your staring. You met his blue eyes that were full of tiredness. He began walking to the couch, walking straight past you without a word. You turned to him, your temper rising slightly. 'Peter' you growled angrily. You hated being ignored, especially by him. He looked up feigning innocence. 'Sorry sweetheart, thought you were looking for Derek' he smirked, sarcasm dripping from his words. 'I was but I don't think that gives you the right to ignore me.' You said exasperated. He was always like this, constantly pushing everyone away which is why you knew you stood no chance with him. 'Well Derek isn't here' he said completely ignoring your previous statement, picking up a book from the table and began reading it. Normally you would love to watch him read, he always looked a lot more relaxed but right now he was starting to get on your nerves. You shifted your weight onto one foot and crossed your arms, glaring at him slightly. 'When will he be back?' You demanded. You really needed to find out what the mark was, ever since Peter walked down those stairs it had begun to burn. Peter looked up at you with an eyebrow raised. 'Really, you are coming in here and demanding me to tell you. Teenagers, so pathetic.' He rolled his eyes and looked back at his book. Your heart dropped at his words as you bit your lip to stop your eyes watering. He was always harsh to the pack but he had never said anything that harsh to you. You weren't even a teenager and he knew that, you were a year younger than Derek.

There was a sharp pain on your wrist that made you yelp out. You grabbed your wrist as it stung. 'Sweetheart?' Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder as he softened his voice. But you couldn't focus on anything but the pain. 'Y/N, come on let me see' he said softly as he went for your wrist. As soon as his skin made contact with yours the mark stopped burning. He raised his eyes to yours when your body relaxed, but he still lifted your sleeve up your arm. You heard a small gasp leave his lip as he traced his thumb over your mark, sending shivers down your spine. 'Peter?' You question. He led you to the couch and softly told you to sit down, his hand on your wrist the entire time. It was like he was a whole other person, he was being so gentle with you, almost like he was afraid your were gonna break. 'I'm sorry' he muttered. You gave him a confused look. Why was he sorry? You remember all the time you had known him and you don't recall a single moment where he had apologised. 'Peter, what's going on?' You said almost cautiously. He slowly lifted his sleeve on his right arm and on his wrist was the same marking that You had on your arm. You gasped, your hands covering your mouth. 'Why do you have the same mark?' You asked slowly, not knowing what to expect. 'It's rare' he started finally meeting your eyes. He seemed conflicted. 'It's a mark that shows two werewolves are meant to be with each other' your mind was racing, you were meant to be with him. You realised that it was explain your attraction to him. But then you realised that he couldn't want you back. You turned away from him. 'I'm sorry' he muttered again. 'Sorry for what peter, it's not your fault you don't feel the same way' You consoled. You felt him freeze beside you before he grabbed the back of your neck lightly before pulling your lips to his. You gasped in surprise as your lips moulded together. You smiled into the kiss as your hands went to his hair, pulling slightly which caused him to groan into the kiss. He pulled back so his lips were ghosting yours so you both could breath. 'Peter' you said breathlessly 'I love you' he smiled at this and grabbed onto your hips pulling you onto his lap so you were straddling him. 'I love you too sweetheart, I have for a long time' you searched his eyes for any lies but all you saw was admiration and love. You kissed him again, biting his bottom lip. He gripped your hips tighter, pulling you even closer so your heat was pressed against his bulge that was getting harder every time you pulled on his hair. you ran your hands up and down his chest, feeling his toned muscles twitch under your touch. He ran his tongue across your lower lip asking your entrance which you granted without hesitation. You moaned against his mouth as he started to move your hips across his hardness, gripping onto his shoulders, nails digging in. You felt your wetness soaking through both your panties and your leggings right onto his boxers. You pulled away to gasp for breath and his lips immediately went to your neck, sucking right behind your ear, sending shivers and waves of pleasure through your body. You felt your eyes glow yellow as you began to lose control, his flashing a brilliant blue in response. He pulled away from his neck and whisper lowly into your ear 'I want you to ride my thigh darling' he lifted you so you were straddling one of his thighs. 'Peter!' You called out as he began to move your hips over his thigh, lifting every so often adding pressure. The friction on your heat causing overwhelming amounts of pleasure. He went back to kissing your neck as you gave into the pleasure he was giving you, letting him have complete control over your body. 'Your so wet sweetheart, I can feel it on my thigh. Who made like this?' He growled, pushing you down slightly harder making you moan out. 'You, Peter!' You could feel the muscle in your abdomen tighten, you knew you were close. 'Come on baby, that's it. Who's making you feel this good?' He question, grabbing at your backside, squeezing and pushing you ever so close to the edge. 'My god, Peter! You! Please I'm so close' you whine into his ear. He went back to attacking your neck, pushing you harder and harder. 'Sweetheart you smell so good, cum for me sweetheart, let go' he said as he lifted his thigh and pushed you down on his thigh at the same time. He bit hard into your shoulder. The coil inside you snapped sending you into fits of pleasure, your nails digging into his arms and your head falling into his neck. You screamed Peter's name as he pushed you down on his thigh again. His hands then moved up To your waist and he slowly kissed you, letting you relax against him.

'You Okay love?' He asked once you had calmed down. You nodded against his neck and hummed, causing him to chuckle. Suddenly the door to the loft opened and Derek walked in. You tried to pull away from Peter but he kept you against his chest and you were too tired to make too much of a fuss. Derek sniffed the air and his eyebrows raised, sending a glare towards his uncle. 'Really?! With my beta?' He growled. Peter smiled 'she's my mate Derek' Derek's face completely changed, moulding into a face that was happy for his uncle. 'Just don't hurt her' Derek said
'I wouldn't dream of it' peter replied and you smiled into his neck. 'Come on sweetheart, there's a lot more where that came from. Let's take you home' he said lifting you bridal style, making you laugh out loud.

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