Mischief (Dr Strange)

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Walking into the sanctum, Ava scanned the room and spotted Wong. Ava made her way over to the master who seemed totally entranced by a book. Placing a hand on his shoulder she greeted him "morning Wong, how are you?". He smiled up at Ava and replied "I'm great, just doing some research for Strange on changes that could be made to make the sanctum even more secure. What brings you here on a fine day like this?"

"Oh I just thought I'd check in with you guys and see how you are. Anyway have you discovered any ways that could help?" Ava replied, hiding her true intentions which were to spend some time with her crush who had received the title of Sorcerer Supreme. Wong looked at her suspiciously, but then brushed any idea that he had to the back of his head. "I haven't found any ways that would work, not for lack of trying, it's just that most of theses methods are outdated." He shook his head and sighed. "I'm sure you'll find a way, if not I could borrow some books from the other sanctums if Strange allows it." Offered Ava.

Wong smiled but then closed the book, but not before placing a bookmark inside the pages, and turned fully to Ava. "When are you going to tell him Ava?" Said Wong quite seriously. Ava gave him a questioning look but inside her heart was pounding: he knew. "I'm sorry, tell who what?" She tried to play it off. "You know what I'm talking about. You like him and you should tell him." The sorcerer stated. Ava shook her head while Wong raised a question eyebrow. "I can't tell him, he can't honestly feel the same and it will ruin the friendship we have."

Wong sighed but nodded, "okay Ava, but you never know unless you try. I know the real reason you came today I could read it the moment you stepped foot in the sanctum. He's up in his room" Wong Smiled knowing he wouldn't be able to change her mind but hopefully his friend might be able to gather up the courage and tell her that he feels the same. Ava grinned just thinking of Stephen Strange. "I hope you get some ideas from that, who knows maybe you could create some new ones, I'll see you later" He nodded his goodbye as Ava made her way up the stairs.

She walked across the corridor and stopped outside Dr Strange's room. She sighed before raising her hand to knock, rethinking Wongs words. What did he mean that she'll never know until she tries, does that mean he knows something she doesn't? She pushed those thoughts aside. I'm here to see my friend not swoon over him she repeated to herself.

Knock! Knock! Knock! She waited patiently at the door until there was a reply from the man inside who said "come in". She walked in without a second thought, twisting the cold metal handle and pushing it forward. He was sat on the edge of his made bed in his robes and cape, the eye of agomotto hanging around his neck. Ava's heart rate rocketed when he looked up and smiled at her with his piercing yet gentle eyes and his perfectly formed lips. "Hey" He said gently. "Hi." She replied sweetly.

He patted the bed next to him and Ava walked over to him but suddenly her foot hit something and she fell forward. She braved herself for impact by covering her face with her arms. Almost instantaneously a pair of arms wrapped around her middle and stopped her falling. She slowly moved her arms and opened her eyes to greet a pair of green-blue eyes. She realised that she was pulled against his chest. She smiled, "thank you Stephen". He shook his head straight-faced. "I'm sorry Ava" he frowned. "Why are you sorry, you saved me from an embarrassing fall." She returned.

He pulled her up so she was standing and he dropped his arms to his sides. He met her confused gaze. "You didn't exactly fall, the cloak tripped you up, I don't know why but I'm sorry" he apologised regretfully. Ava chuckled slightly, "don't be sorry, it wasn't you. That thing has a mind of is own. Plus you saved me" she smiled placing her hands on his upper arms. He smiled gently at her.

"So why are you here?" He asked sitting back down on the bed. Ava follows suit and sat next to him. "I thought I'd check up on you and Wong, see if the sanctums okay. Why are you not happy to see me?" She asked her smile dropping. He chuckled and shook his head, "it's lovely to see you Ava, somethings I think you should come here more often" her smile quickly returned and she thought it was time for some witty remarks. "Here as in the sanctum or your room" she laughed as his expression turned shocked and embarrassed. A light blush covered his cheeks.

"Mhm how about we go and grab some lunch from that place on the corner. I'm sure Wong could handle the sanctum for a while if we blackmail him with buying lunch" offered Ava. Stephen's face turned relaxed once more and nodded. He didn't have to explain that he did mean his room to see him and not the sanctum.

Ava stood up but before Stephen could move, the cloak of levitation once again decided to get involved. The cloak wrapped around Ava's middle and pulled her straight into the Sorcerers lap so that she was straddling him. Both of them let out a gasp of surprise. Both of there faces were covered in a blush at the position. "I'm so sorry Ava. Geez I don't know what's wrong with it today." He managed out, mentally restraining himself from grabbing her hips and pulling her closer. Ava awkwardly smiled "it's okay Stephen, but there's one issue: I can't move." She tried moving backwards but the cloak prevented it. Stephan inwardly groaned. "Let's try and stand" he suggested slowly rising. She moved her hand from his chest to his forearms as his hands travelled to her back to support her.

He stood, planting Ava's feet on the ground, spreading his fingers out across her back. Her arms still resting on his arms dropped so the were by there sides. Suddenly the cloak tightened around them causing Ava to gasp and grab onto Stephen's hips. She was pushed flush against his chest. "Oh god" she whimpered out. He looked down slightly to see her looking anywhere but him. "You okay Ava?" She looked up and met his eyes and relaxed against him. "Yeah just shocked I guess but it's cool I'm good"

Before Stephen could react to her the cloak tightened around their legs causing Ava to fall backwards pulling Stephen with her. Stephen held her closer with one hand and then pushed his other hand out reducing the impact of the fall on her and stopping him from crushing her. His hands wrapped around her back still and hers gripped onto his hips. The cloak once again tightened around them locking them together.

Ava met his eyes and couldn't control her laughter. "Oh god I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing" she managed out between laughs but soon Stephan was joining in. After a while they had calmed down and Stephan had his forehead resting against hers.

"Listen Ava there's been something bugging me and I need to tell you," Stephan suddenly said seriously, "I like you, like really like you and I know this is probably the worst timing but I've come to realise there may never be a perfect time to tell you that I-" His sentence was cut short by the cape pushing his head against Ava causing their lips to meet. Ava Squeaked in surprise as his lips pressed harder against hers. They both began to kiss each other letting themselves melt into the kiss. Ava's hands pulled his body against hers, pressing against her in all the right places. Stephan growled softly removing his lips from hers for air. She whined and pouted wanting more from the sorcerer. "Does that mean you like me too?" He asked eyes filled with hope and desire. Ava nodded, moving her hands up from his waist, ghosting his rib cage, over to his shoulder blades and dug her nails down his clothed back. He groaned and it brought a smile to her face. "God I love that sound Strange." He buried his head in the crook of her neck and hummed slightly "maybe I'll make more of those sounds for you but I believe that we were talking about grabbing some lunch" he pressed a gentle kiss to behind her ear sending a shiver down her spine. "I would love some food but there is one issue" Ava commented. Stephan cocked an eyebrow but then realised what she was on about. "Well we will just have to stay like this until it lets us go. But I think there could be a more comfortable position to be in than this" he mumbled, flipping them over so she was on top. One leg was either side of his waist and his arms pulled her closer. Ava rested her head in the crook of his neck, placing light kisses every once in a while.

"Yes darling," he replied drawing patterns on her back.
"I really do like you" Ava confessed. He hummed and kissed her hair.
"I like you very much as well, but I'm afraid we might have to call Wong up here to help" he chuckled. She shook her head, "just a little longer, you are very comfortable."
Soon Ava was asleep in the arms of the man of her dreams and strange got to thinking that the cape was the reason for all this. The reason he got the girl and he couldn't be happier.

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