Training (Bucky Barnes)

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I grinned as my fist connected with the side of Bucky's face. I smirked as I heard him grunt in pain. "Come on Barnes. I thought I said I wanted a challenge." His deep blue eyes flickered up to meet mine as he flashed me his signature playful smirk, "Please Doll, I'm going easy on you, don't wanna hurt that pretty face of yours." I blushed slightly at his comment. "I think you should be more worried about you pretty face getting hurt" I retorted, flashing my eyes red.  He smirked.

You see I'm an alpha werewolf, but I have no pack: they were all killed. The avengers asked me to join them when the met me on one of their missions. They saw me fighting and thought I would be an asset to them. I was running to survive so I thought if I stayed with them it would offer a break and some protection.

But over the years I had grown to love them all, one maybe more than the others and I'm sure you could guess who that was. He had shoulder length brown hair, enticing blue eyes, a sinful smirk and of course he had a metal arm. When I got here Steve originally paired me with himself but after two years he had too much on his plate and got Bucky to train with me. Since then I'd been daily fighting my urge to kiss him. Well actually that urge started from the day is met him.

I walked into the avengers tower beside a beaten up Steve, Natasha and Clint. Steve was in a worser condition than the rest so I got him to sit on the couch. He looked at me confused through tired eyes. "You can trust me Steve." I encouraged. I knelt in front of him and grabbed his hand. "What are you doing?" Said Clint slightly threatening. I looked back at him calmly and said "I'm taking his pain." I turned back to Steve and focused on his pain. Black lines appears under my skin flowing through my veins. I growled harshly as I felt his pain hit me. I saw Clint move forward in the corner of my eye but Natasha held him back. I let go of Steve's hand and he sighed softly. "Rest, you'll need it." He turned and layer down on the couch falling asleep almost instantly. Two people suddenly came rushing through the door. One of them immediately caught my eye, the way his hair beautifully framed his face and eyes scanned the situation while still keeping his eyes on me: it was Bucky. Next to him, I later found out was Tony Stark. "What the hell is going on here? Who the hell is she? What did she do to Steve?" Tony started questioning. Before I could speak Natasha stood in. "Y/N is a werewolf, we found her on the mission and she was extremely helpful. We all thought she could be useful on the team." She spoke calmly but firmly. Tony nodded slowly but Bucky stepped forward harshly. "What did she do to Steve?" He growled. This time I stood to face him and gently said "he was pretty banged up during that mission and I took away his pain so he could rest." He looked at me in disbelief. "Someone hit him" he looked at me startled but no one moved except Tony. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time" he raised his fist and punched Bucky round the face. Bucky growled in pain. "Give me your hand" I commanded. He hesitantly obeyed. I clasped my hand around his and focused on his pain. I kept eye contact as he suddenly looked at me wide-eyed. He pulled his hand away from me in shock. "Okay I believe you." Suddenly Tony burst into the convo, "that's freaky" I looked down in shame until I felt a cold hand lift my chin up. "Doll, I think it's awesome" Bucky said softly smiling at me.

Since then I had totally fallen head over heels for him and whenever I thought about him I got distracted.

A sudden kick to my ankles brought me to the floor, back first knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasped and Bucky had me pinned in moments, arms above my head and his body weight keeping my legs down. His lips were inches from mine, his warm breath tingling my skin sending shivers down my spine.

"Doll I thought it was impossible for you to get distracted." He teased. I tried to wiggle free from his grasp but he had me pinned tightly and moving just made it worse. My heart pounded and I could feel my breathing deepen. He smirk, knowing the exact effect he had on me. "Buck," I said innocently, "you can let go now." His eyes studied me, "but do you really want me to let go darling?" He questioned. I answered with silence and that was answer enough for him.

He moved his head so it was almost buried in the crook of my neck. He was so close but he wasn't doing anything. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? You're so beautiful it hurts sometimes." He stated ghosting his lips along my jawline. "Bucky please!" I whined, begging him to do something. "What do you want me to do?" He smiled moving back slightly to look me in the eyes. "Kiss me buck." I pleaded.

He did just that. His lips collided with mine in a slow but passionate kiss. He let go of my hands and my hands went to his hair. He groaned when I tugged on it and deepened the kiss moving his tongue along my bottom lip. One of his hands made its way to my hip and his metal hand cupped the side of my face. He nibble on my bottom lip and thrust his tongue into my mouth when I gasped. Our tongues battled for dominance, mine putting up a good fight but his winning. I tugged on his hair again and he ground his hips into mine.

We slowly and reluctantly pulled away for air and his lips went to my neck, sucking and biting. I moaned and dig my nails slightly into his neck. "You like that doll? You like the way my lips feel on your neck?" He said in a low husky voice. "I'm sure she does." A strange voice came. I quickly pushed Bucky away although he still remained on top of me.

I turned to see Tony smirking, Natasha stood next to him laughing and then Steve on the end blushing furiously but with a slight ounce of pride for his best friend finally kissing his crush. I hide my face in buckys neck while I blushed. He suddenly pulled us both up and we stood so his arms were around my waist and mine were on his chest, still hiding my face. "Did you guys want something?" Bucky asked not at all embarrassed but instead slightly cocky. "Nope we were just coming here to train, it is a training gym after all." Stated Tony on the edge of hysterics.

I looked up my blush finally subsiding and met Bucky's eyes. "Let's take this back to your room" I smiled. He nodded and detangled his arms. He laced his fingers through mine and started to drag me to his room. I smile an apology to Steve but he just smirked. Behind us I heard Tony yell "make sure she's still able to walk tomorrow Bucky, we have a mission"

Bucky chuckled and mumbled something along the lines of no promises. We reached the elevator and as soon as we were inside and the doors had closed he pushed me up against the wall. He looked at me with eyes full of lust and then whispered in my ear lowly and seductively, "I'm gonna make you fall apart doll"

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