Names (Clint Barton)

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I walked through the avengers tower, heading nowhere in particular, I just let my feet carry me. I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep. I also didn't want to wake up my boyfriend Clint who was snuggled up my bed. I ended up in the kitchen so I decided to grab a glass of water and sat on the seats by the island counter.

I started humming a tune when someone walked in. Steve looked at me weary-eyed and yawning. "Couldn't sleep either?" Asked the tall blonde. I shook my head, "no but I didn't want to wake Clint up." I replied, taking a sip of water. I watched as Steve slowly dragged himself over to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of milk and poured himself a glass of that. He came and sat opposite me on the island. He looked back up at me while I was tapping lightly on the rim of my glass.

"You know I never thought you would end up with Clint, I mean he's a great guy but you guys are really different" he chuckled. I smiled and then said, "neither did I to be honest, but he makes me happy and that's all that really matters right?" He nodded. "Plus," I continued much quieter, "I think I love him, like seriously love him." Steve smiled, "You are good for him, I really hope you guys last." He got up and started to walked back down the way he came. "So do I" I muttered so he wouldn't hear.

After staring at my half empty glass I decided to head back to bed. I slowly climbed into bed, careful not to wake up Clint. I wrapped the covers around me and Clints arm automatically slid round my waist, pulling me against him, my chest against his. "You know I heard you sneak out babe." He mumbled, his voice full of sleep. "Couldn't sleep so I got up to get a drink, didn't mean to wake you darling." I said. I felt him bury his head into my hair as I listened to his heart beat.  I heard his breathing even out and I mumbled against his chest, "I love you Clint." I slowly drifted off to sleep after that.

The next morning we both got up early to train, him doing archery and me doing laps. When we had changed and walked into the kitchen most of the team was there. There was only one chair so Clint sat down and pulled me into his lap. However because the stalls were high I was practically just stood between his legs. Tony and Steve were making pancakes while Bucky was watching over their shoulders pointing out mistakes and then smirking when Tony cursed.

Clint wrapped his arms around me as I watched Bruce and Natasha try to explain to Thor why we lived such short lives compared to him. I thought that life was pretty great: I was surrounded by my family and my boyfriend without my past haunting my steps. But i was wrong my past lurked around every corner and trying to keep it from them was absurd and I was just about to find this out.

A SHEILD agent walked in with a letter and beckoned me over. I smile politely, removing clints arm from my waist. I walked over to him as he passed me the letter. It was a white envelope with only my name on. "No return address?" I asked but he shook his head. I nodded at him for him to leave and he did. I slowly opened the letter and pulled the contents out.

It was written in cursive writing: incredibly neat but also rushed. It was written on beige paper and in the corner was a black stamp that I couldn't make out. I began to read and my heart stopped.

Dear my love,
       I haven't heard from you in a while but I've been keeping an eye on you darling. No matter where you go I will always be there, sometimes watching from afar and sometimes even only meters from you. It's a wonder you haven't noticed me over the past years. But then of course you thought I was dead and I don't blame you on thinking that. You made a pretty good strike with that stake of yours but it missed my heart.

      You know nothing you will ever do will make me love you less. Ever since I was awakened you act as if I've changed for the worse but I've not. You've got to trust me, it's for the best. But now that you tried to kill me you won't have a choice anymore. I will turn you. I couldn't let the others tear you apart. I was also given a choice because you have been holding me back. I was told to either rip your heart out (literally not metaphorically) or awaken you so that we could be together forever. I couldn't live without you I guess. Haha!! I hope you saw my joke there.

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