Balance of Nature (Enzo St.John)

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I gasped as he appeared in front of me. Liv and Bonnie's spell must be working. I stared as he patted down his pitch black locks, tutting as it refused to stay down. I chuckled slightly at his British antics. His vampire hearing must've picked up on it because his eyes looked up to meet mine for the first time in nearly a two months. An irresistible smile grew on his face instead of his usual smirk. My lips curled to match his. I hadn't seen him for a long time; I thought I would never see him again.

I ran forward to him as he held out his arms. In milliseconds I was crushed in his arms once again. His scent flooded my senses as I wrapped my arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders. I laced one of my hands through his hair pulling lightly, making sure he was real. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist lifting me off the forest ground. I held him like he was going to fade right back into the other side. "Enzo" I muttered against his neck as I buried my head into his body. His hands squeezed my waist as he tried to hold me as close as humanly possible. "Love! Oh god, Layla" he whispered into my ear.

A scream pulled us apart. He stood defensively in front of me, even though I was an original with witch powers. We saw liv and bonnie grasping the iron fence of the cemetery, crying in pain. People from the other side are still coming through, I realised, but it's killing them. I scanned the area; Stefan was back, so was Elena and Alaric. But Damon wasn't back yet. They wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

I vamp sped over to them, ignoring Enzo calling me back. Blood was pouring from Liv's nose. I rested my hands on both of their shoulders and focused on my magic. It flowed through me into them, enforcing the spell but something went wrong. An invisible force grabbed me and pulled me back launching me into a tree. The tree was one with branches sticking out, one of which was now embedded into my abdomen. I whimpered in pain as blood started soaking my shirt.

I felt a hand cup my face and one hand holding my shoulder. I looked up to be engulfed by Enzo's Brown eyes. They were filled with worry, concern and anger. I gave him a small smile. "I'm okay darling, it's not near my heart. Just pull me off it" I raised a hand to hold on to his. He gave a slight nod of his head, not trusting himself to speak. "On three. ready: one.." I started but was cut off when he forcefully pulled me towards him. I felt the wood be ripped through my organs. Starting to feel faint I looked up at Enzo. "I thought we agreed that it was on three" I muttered out as I passed out in his arms from blood loss.

*time skip brought to you by Thor and his pop-tarts*

I woke to hushed voices. I slowly opened my eyes, regaining my surroundings. We were at the Salvatore Mansion, in the living room. Enzo must've brought me back and laid me on the couch. Opening my eyes clearly, I saw Alaric, Stefan, Caroline, Matt, Tyler and Elena.

"Enzo" I called out softly. All eyes turned to me immediately. A soft hand rested on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Enzo sat on the arm of the sofa. He smiled sadly at me and I returned it with a slightly confused look. Surely he could be that upset that I got impaled by a tree.  "You know Damon will kill you if he catches you sat there." I chuckled as I sat up. Absolute silence. I started up at everyone. They looked back with pitiful looks but also sadness.   Confusion overtook me.

"What happened?" I stated slowly. Still silence. I stood up, becoming agitated.
"What happened?" I repeated again much more forcefully.

Matt stepped forward but Enzo turned me round to face him. "Damon didn't make it, Neither did Bonnie. They got trapped Love." He said sadly and slowly. My heart dropped. "No." I whispered, tears filling my eyes. I shook my head. "No he can't be gone, not after everything Enzo. He can't be gone!" He wouldn't meet my eyes. He knew just how much Damon and I had gone through. We were tortured together. We've hunted together. We've spent years together.

Tears started to fall uncontrollable. Enzo pulled me towards him, into his embrace but I held my hands out pushing him away. "Enzo don't you dare try and make this better. He can't be gone!" I started but yet again he pulled me to him. He knew what I needed. I needed to be in Enzo's arms. He held onto me tightly. I gripped his shirt as I let the tears fall. I was shaking in his arms as my heart shattered.

It was the balance of nature. I got Enzo back but I lost Damon.

A/N: oh my god I nearly cried when writing this. I never write sad stories but this happened 😭

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