Protection (Derek hale)

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"WHAT THE HELL DEREK?!" I shouted as he pushed me inside the loft. He growled at me angrily, "you could've got yourself killed." He said dangerously quiet. I looked back at him in shock, "so could've you but you don't think of it like that do you?" I held my own against the cold glare he sent my way.

He stepped forward, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. "You don't know the first thing about leading a pack: the alpha protects the rest." His voice had softened ever so slightly and his jaw was clenched less tight. But I couldn't calm down. "No Derek, you don't know the first thing: you are part of a pack and that means you are not alone so why did you go and try to take down the Hunter by yourself?" He looked down almost in shame but then his head shot up just as quickly, his eyes flashing red. My eyes flashed yellow in response.

"I couldn't lose you" Derek growled. My heart almost sunk at the fact he could feel the same way as I felt about him. Here I was shouting at him while he was just trying to protect me. I visibly relaxed and he noticed and mirrored me. "That's the thing Derek," I spoke softly, "you say you can't lose me but what makes you think that I can afford to lose you?"

His eyes returned to his normal beautiful green eyes and he stepped towards me and looked into my eyes. "It's my job to protect you and if that costs me my life then I would know I died protecting the one person I care about the most and I wouldn't give it a second thought." I looked at him in shock, "how can you say that Derek? I'm only your Beta. I'm the reason you are always getting hurt. Everything you do is to protect me but I still don't get why. Why are you willing to put my life before yours?"

Derek smiled softly and ran his thumb across my cheek, "the exact same reason you are willing to lay down your life for mine," my heart started pounding and he smiled again "let's get your arm cleaned up" he stated and gently ushered me over to his bed. He gestured for me to sit down and I slowly sat down on the edge of his bed still processing what he said. Does it mean that he likes me as well or does it just mean that he too stubborn to let someone else protect him.

I suddenly winced as I felt pressure on the cut on my arm. "Sorry about that but I have to clean it." I smiled gently at him and felt the bed sink slowly as he sat down beside me. We both sat in silence as he cleaned and dressed my wound, during this time I let thoughts race through my head having multiple debates about what to do: do I talk to him about it, do I just ignore it completely or should I wait for him to say something. I was so preoccupied that I didn't notice that he had finished.

I was pulled back to reality when he started talking. "Listen, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you where I was going and what I was doing, I was just trying to protect you. It turns out I put you in even more danger and you got hurt." I shook my head at him, "This is not your fault Derek, I knew what I was jumping into and given the chance I'd do it again. Please don't blame yourself."

He remained silent but slowly ghosted his hand along mine. "There's something I've been hiding from you and what happened tonight has brought everything into context. I can't hide how I feel about you anymore," he fully rested his hand on mine and scooted slightly to face me. I gazed at his hopeful eyes. "I love you and I know things have been rough lately but please know that it's true. I love you so much that sometimes I can't breath and I can't focus. The way you smile and laugh drives me crazy, everything about you does. I know that it's unlikely that you feel the same and I understand if you don't-" I cut him off by connecting my lips with his swallowing his words.

One of his hands made there way to my hair pulling slightly and the other went to my waist pulling me closer. Both my hands went to the back of his neck as our lips moved in sync. He nibbles lightly on my bottom lip and when I gasped he took that opportunity to deepen the kiss, our tongues dancing and then fighting and then back to dancing. We slowly and reluctantly pulled away to breath. He rested his forehead on mine. "I like you too Derek." I whispered breathlessly. He smirked slightly, "I know that now"

He stood up and pulled me up with him , both hands going to my waist. I moved slightly so head rested against his chest as he slowly swayed. "Are you trying to dance Derek?" I mumbled. He hummed lightly "listen and you'll hear music," he replied. I tuned into my werewolf hearing and heard what he was talking about. I smiled, swaying in sync with him and the music.

After a while I involuntarily yawned and he pulled away slightly. He looked down at me sweetly "let's get you to bed". I smirked regardless of my tiredness, "I always knew you were a forward guy" he chuckled and guided me back over to his bed, pulled the covers back and gestured for me to slide in. I did just that, loving the way his sheets smelt like him. He shuffled in next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling my back flush against his front. "Now that I have you darling, I'm never letting you go." He mumbled against my neck as he buried his head there. "Goodnight Derek" I whispered as I felt his heartbeat even out. I focused on that and began to drift off knowing I was safe in my lovers arms.

Unbeknownst to the sleeping pair, Peter entered the loft and saw the two cuddled up in Derek's bed. He smiled, grateful that his nephew finally has the love of his life in his arms.

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