Birthday (Chris argent)

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I was sat in the loft as the pack meeting continued, the one meeting I didn't want to be at. It was my birthday, I just wanted to sit at home with Netflix and some ice cream. But I couldn't, no one in the pack knew about my birthday. Why would they though? It's my 4531st birthday. Yeah, I know how that sounds but I'm a goddess, quite literally, the daughter of Hecate and Poseidon. But I also happen to be one of the original vampires. I've had enough birthdays to last a lifetime.

The pack meeting was just an ordinary meeting, nothing actually going on in beacon hill so I let my mind drift to the one person in the room that I actually wanted to be with today: Chris Argent. Recently he has been spending more time with the pack and he's been catching my attention more and more. The way he holds himself so confidently, his gorgeous blue eyes and of course his deep voice. He must have sensed my eyes on him, studying him, as he looked up at me sending me a small smile. I couldn't control the way my heart rate picked up slightly when he smiled. Peter Hale, who was sat next to me lent down to whisper in my ear 'you know, you should just tell him how you feel sweetheart'. I broke eye contact with Chris, shaking my head at Peter. 'You won't? Why not?' Peter asked. As much as he was a psychopath he had grown to be one of my best friends. I shook my head again and turned to him 'I just can't peter'

Before Peter could argue, my phone started ringing. I excused myself from the meeting and walked over to the door. "Happy birthday!!' I heard be yelled down the phone. I quickly looked over to the pack in panic, but luckily none of them heard. I tuned in back to the phone call. 'Thanks Alaric' I laughed and a saw a movement. Chris was now looking at me. 'I've sent something over to the loft, but I'm not sure when it will arrive.' Alaric said down the phone. 'Ric, I told you not to get anything' I playfully scolded the historian. I heard a laugh through the phone, all the while holding eye contact with Chris. He finally looked away and I looked down. 'Well it's not just me, we all put something in there: Damon, Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline.' He explained and I smiled. Even though I moved to beacon hill, my friends still cared enough to send presents halfway across the country. 'Thank you Alaric' I smiled honestly. 'Don't thank me yet, Damon said he wanted to drop them off personally' my jaw dropped. The pack didn't know about Damon. But before I could say anything there was a knock at the loft door. 'I guess that's him, I'll call you later' I hung up.

Derek had gotten up to open the door but before he got close I said to him 'it's for me Derek' he gave me a confused look, as did the rest of the pack but nodded anyway. I mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen. I knew Damon wouldn't keep his mouth shut and everyone would find out. So I took a deep breath and pulled the loft door open.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!' Damon screamed and I hung my head, both laughing and scared of what the pack would say. I looked up and smiled at Damon who held bags of gifts in his hands. He walked into the loft and over to the pack and then turned back to me once putting the bags down. A small frown pulled at his lips. 'Well this isn't much of a party' I rolled my eyes and closed the loft door. 'It's not a party Damon, it's a pack meeting' I explained. I got multiple curious looks from the members of the pack. 'Wait it's your birthday?' Asked Scott. Damon looked at me and understanding crossed his features. 'You didn't tell them.' I shook my head. 'It's not much of a big deal' I started to explain. 'No excuses, right this pack meetings over, I have bourbon In the car and a cake. We are celebrating.'

In under half an hour, the loft was a party scene: drinks, music and partying, much to Derek's dismay. I sat to the side and started to watch the pack have a good time. The teenagers were all dancing and laughing, finally relaxing. I suddenly felt a warm hand on my arm and I turned slightly to met chris' enticing eyes. I gave him a smile. 'Happy birthday' he whispered in my ear and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I muttered a thank you and wrapped a hand around his waist, hugging him. 'I got you something' I looked up at him and he chuckled at the confused look on my face. 'How did you know?' He softly smiled 'it's my job to pay attention' he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a box. 'Here' He said as he handed it over to me, his fingers brushing mine, sending small shivers through my body. I felt the box in my hand and shook it, it rattling slightly. I glanced back up at Chris and he smirked. I opened the box and my jaw dropped slightly when I saw what he had got me. It was a sliver switchblade with a black handle. But there was something engraved on it: my initials. I quickly pulled chris into a hug, my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 'Thank you so much chris' I whispered into his ear. 'It's beautiful' I continued. But then he said something I never thought would fall from his lips 'just like you darling' I gasped slightly. I pulled back to look into his eyes, Hope filling them but also a small amount of fear. Even over the music my hearing could pick up on how fast his heart rate was. If he has supernatural hearing he would be able to tell the my heart was beating just as fast. 'You think I'm beautiful?' I asked shyly. Whenever it came to him all my confidence would fall. He shook his head slightly and I dropped my eyes to look at the ground. 'I think you're stunning' I heard lowly in my ear giving me goosebumps. 'You cold?' He asked. He must have noticed the goosebumps. I nodded my head to play it off. Within seconds his jacket was draped around my shoulders. I took a deep breath in, loving how his jacket smelled like him. 'Better?' He asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I could tell that he was getting bolder, but all I wanted to do was kiss him. I hummed into his chest. After a while he hadn't said anything else so I turned to him, his arm falling from my shoulder to my lower back. 'Chris..I- uh' I started, deciding that I couldn't take it, but he cut me off by pressing his lips gently to me. He pulled back and smiled 'I know sweetheart, I've been watching you for a while.' 'I love you' I said as I leaned forwards for another kiss. But before I got there a cough caused me to pull away. I turned quickly to see Damon smirking at us. Chris rested a hand on my waist and I smiled, it felt like it was always meant to be there. Damon held a hand out to Chris 'Damon Salvatore' he introduced himself. 'Chris Argent' Chris replied shaking Damon's hand. Damon smirked once again turning to me, 'Ah the big badass sexy hunter you were telling me and Ric about' I heard a laugh from Chris. 'Is that how she described me?' Chris asked amused. Damon gave me another smirk and I groaned. 'Well no. She said and I quote' he said sending me a wink, 'there's this extremely hot hunter who I swear every time he speaks it drives me crazy' I buried my head in Chris' chest, groaning. 'Oh really' I heard chris' voice in my ear making me bit my lip to keep me from letting a moan pass my lips. 'Yeah she did and there's a lot more where that came from. But honestly you guys make a cute couple I'm happy for you' my head jerked up at Damon, then turned my head to Chris and he just smiled and said 'the cuteness mostly comes from her though, but she makes me extremely happy' he placed a kiss on my forehead. 'Right, I should probably get going back to mystic falls.' Damon started pulling me out of chris' arms into his for a hug. I nearly whined at the loss of contact from Chris. 'I hope you have a great birthday evening. Make sure he treats you right or I'll come here and rip his heart out.' I chuckled but slapped his arm. He turned to leave but I called to him 'thanks Damon'. Without turning back around he yelled 'no problem princess'

Now I was left with Chris again as the party continued around us. He raised an eyebrow at me 'so my voice drives you crazy' he smirked. I took a step closer and wrapped my arms around his waist, 'I would prefer to say it drives me insane, it's just so deep and there's something about it. Makes me want you to push me up against a wall' I said gaining confidence. His eyes widened slightly as his growled at my words. He leant forward to my ear. 'So if I started talking right by your ear like this, it would drive you crazy.' I grabbed onto his waist tighter in response. He moved his hands to my lower back and pulled me even closer, flush against his body. I bit my lip as I felt his breath on my ear. 'Sweetheart, you keep biting your lip like that and I won't be able to control myself' he groaned. I smirked realising he also had a weakness. But then something started to bug me. 'Wait, how did you know that I wanted a blade? I mean out of all the things it's odd to get a vampire witch a knife.' I asked pulling back from him slightly. His blue eyes met mine, 'I told you it my job to pay attention but when it comes to you I can't help but pay extra attention' I blushed slightly 'also why didn't you tell Damon that we weren't together?' I said but this time a lot quieter, afraid of his response. 'Because I was hoping that you would be mine' he stated with eyes full of hope. Involuntarily, a smile pulled at my lips and I nodded, leaning forward to kiss him. His lips were soft against mine as he pulled me close to him. Groaning slightly as I bit down on his bottom lip, he moved a hand to the top of my neck and held me to him. My hands made my way to his well toned chest. He pulled on my hair slightly and I moaned into his mouth.

'GET SOME!!' Was yelled which caused us to quickly pulled apart, yet thankfully his hand only moved down to my waist instead of moving away completely. I turned to see almost everyone staring at us and the music had stopped. I caught Peter's eyes and he smiled genuinely. 'Well it looks like we had an audience love' whispered Chris into my ear. 'Do you wanna take this somewhere a bit more private?' He growled lowly, which sent heat to my core. I took a step forward, 'thank you guys for today, but I still have something left to do' I stated and turned to leave grabbing Chris's hand and interlacing our fingers. 'Yeah she still has to do chris' I heard stiles whisper to Scott, except I knew everyone with heightened hearing heard it. I groaned as most of my friends just laughed. Chris sent me a questioning look, but I just pulled on his hand, leading him out the loft. 'She didn't deny it' I heard stiles continue. I began laughing. 'Love?' Chris Asked. 'I'll tell you in the car' I said meeting his beautiful eyes.

We got out to the parking lot and he pulled me to his car, opening the passenger door for me. When he got into the drivers side he turned to me expectingly. 'Stiles decides to comment on the fact I said I still have some things to do' I started and he raised an eyebrow 'yeah, what'd he say?' 'He said I've still got to do you and when I didn't reply he said 'well she didn't deny it' so right now they probably think that we're doing it' I chuckled. I turned to look at him and he was looking down and shaking his head slightly, laughing. 'Teenagers and sex' he sighed. I smirked 'I guess you've never had great sex if that's your attitude' his eyebrows raised as he stared back speechless. I reached for his pocket, grabbing his car keys, then running my index finger slowly up his thigh. He grabbed my wrist lightly, stopping my movement, then leant forward. 'Well why don't you show me what great sex is like' he breathed lowly. I squeezed his thigh right next to the slight bulge in his pants and whispered 'only if you take me to a bed chris, I'm sure you don't wanna spend all night in a car.'

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