Truth or dare (Phil Coulson)

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"So what now?" Asked Fitz, placing down the deck of cards. The team finally had an evening off from saving people. Everyone, except May and Coulson, were sat around a table playing all sorts of card games. Zoe leaned back in her seat and smiled, "well a quiet night like this only calls for one thing.... Truth or Dare!" She laughed. A grin grew on Fits' face while Simmons, who sat next to him seemed to considered the idea. "I'm in" Skye agreed. Ward nodded his involvement. "I think we could do with a few more people though. Ward, you handle May and I've got Coulson." Zoe said. May was flying the plane while Coulson was hauled up in his office, just like every other night. She stood up as well as Ward and they headed towards their targets.

Knock! Knock!
"Come in" Coulson said. Zoe entered to see him sat at his desk, piles of paperwork and files around him. He looked up with tired eyes but smiled softly and relaxed when he saw his partner. Zoe and Coulson had a long history, being partners and good friends for over 15 years. But for the past few years they had been more than partners, having to keep it a secret though under Fury's orders.
"You work too much Phil," Zoe almost scolded, walking around his desk and placing her hands on his shoulders, "come and spend some time with the team." He leant into her gentle touch and sighed. "I wish I could but I have to get this paperwork done or fury will have my ass"
"How about I make an offer? You come and see the team, then I will help you with this paperwork." Zoe tried to persuade him. He placed the pen down on the desk, "hmm, defiantly a tempting offer. I think I'll take it" he turned round on his chair and stood up. Zoe lifted her hands to his tie and pulled slightly, "lose the tie and jacket darling, I want you to relax and enjoy yourself."

They walked back to the area where everyone was sat, causing Zoe to smile when she saw that Ward had convinced May to join the evening games. Zoe and Coulson took the spare couch. "Ah and A.C finally decides to loosen up. How'd you manage that Zoe?" Skye asked. "Well I made him a deal, he spends some time out here and I help with the paperwork" Zoe replied almost groaning at the idea of paperwork. "So, truth of dare...."

A few rounds in and everyone seemed to be relaxed and just enjoying the time they get off, even May was laughing alongside everyone else. "Zoe truth or dare?" Ward asked. "Hmmm," said Zoe crossing her legs on the couch, "truth"
"What's the most awkward thing you've walked in on?" Ward asked and leaned forward intrigued. Zoe soon started laughing.
"Well, this has to stay in the room. I spent some time living in the avengers tower-"
"Really?" Asked Fitz wide eyed.
"Yeah, I was assigned there by Fury for a while. Well anyway, I went up to the roof in winter because I knew that Thor was going to be arriving to discuss a few things. I walked out to see Barton's tongue frozen to Bucky's metal arm and it was the most awkward yet hilarious thing I had ever seen. I wouldn't let Barton live it down for weeks" Zoe tried to get out between fits of laugher and soon everyone followed suit and fell into fits of laughter. Soo. Everyone calmed down and continued the game. Phil leaned closer to whisper in Zoe's ear. "What happened to the promise you made Barton to keep that secret?" He chuckled. "He made fun of my dating life" She smiled.
While there were a few people that knew Coulson was alive, Fury forbade us to tell the avengers, so they all thought that Zoe had been single since Coulson Was killed by Loki. the avengers took any chance they could to get her to go on a date, Tony even tried to trick Zoe to go on a date with a clueless Steve (that was something she would never mention to Coulson, he'd probably scold her for not taking the chance)

"A.C, truth or dare" said Skye. "Truth, I wouldn't trust you to give me a nice dare in a million years" he smiled. "Yeah you know what, that's probably true. Well, what's you're go to pick up line?" Skye asked him. It took everything Zoe had not to scoff at that. She knew just how bad he was at pick up lines. "Ummm, can I borrow a kiss, I promise I'll give it back" Coulson came out with quietly, but not quiet enough because everyone still heard and let out some soft laughs. Zoe buries her head in her hands as she tried to stop the heat going to her cheeks, knowing to was one of the pick up lines he had used on her. God, that man was something else, completely and utterly adorable.
"Damn that's quite cute actually, has it ever worked though A.C?" Questioned Skye. "Oh. Well yeah once, never felt the need to use it after" Coulson said before he realised his mistake. "Wait you've got a girl?" Asked Ward leaning forward. "Way to go boss" smiled Simmons. "Yeah I do" Coulson said, not revealing anymore, but sending a glance Zoe's way. "What was that?" May lent forward. "What was what?" Asked Coulson, trying to play it off. If the people in here weren't trained agents then the pair probably would've gotten away with it. "You glanced at Zoe" stated May.
It took ward a few moments before it clicked, "wow i can't believe it took me that long to figure it out, it makes perfect sense." He muttered almost to himself. "Wait, what? What do you mean?" Fitz questions, confusion written all over his features. "I ship it, totally adorable" laughed Skye when it clicked for her. "Ship what?" Asked Simmons who was just as confused as Fitz. "What has his girlfriend got to do with him glancing at Zoe..." he trailed off, "ohhhh, yep I get it now" Fitz leaned over to whisper in Simmons' ear. When realisation covered her face, Zoe and Coulson knew there was no chance in hell they were gonna find a way out of this. They both just shook their head in defeat.

"How long?" Asked Skye, clearly interested. "Nearly five years now." Zoe said as she sent a loving look towards Phil. They were bound to mess up soon, Zoe just didn't think it would be Coulson to give them away. At least now they didn't have to sneak around. "Yep, Five years, but this information stays on board. Understood?"  Coulson said, changing his tone to the authoritative agent in charge. Everyone nodded but they all had a sort of smile on their face at the couple. Coulson slid his hand towards her and interlaced his fingers with hers. "Aww so cute" Skye muttered. But then Coulson abruptly stood up and then pulled Zoe up. "I seem to recall that paperwork needs doing and that you made a deal to help me with it." "Buzzkill" Zoe teased. "Night guys" and chorus of good nights were returned before they undoubtedly started talking about the recently discovered relationship on board.

They walked back to his office and once he closed the door, he pulled Zoe closer and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, causing her to smile. "So, they now know" he started. "Yep, they know. No more sneaking around anymore" Zoe chuckled.
"Hmm, i like the sound of that. I love you" Coulson grinned.
"I love you too Phil"

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