What happened in the car accident

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Sorry guys, this isn't another chapter. This is explaining what happened in the car accident, since it's hard to tell when it's only from Leslie's point of view. Some of this is from the chapters, but it still explains it. Thanks for reading, sorry it isn't another chapter. -Sarah :)

As you all know, Leslie decided to go and study with James and Wesley. But here's what happened before.

Wesley's parents were hitting him that night, so he called James and said he needed to get out of the house. So he invited him to study. Leslie came along, and when they got there they talked about how their parents don't care.

Then Leslie said, "Let's do something fun tonight."

After talking about it, Wesley finally agreed to have some fun. They went to their friend Jake's house where they were having a huge party. Jake couldn't believe seeing them three together, and James gave her a noogie. But then Wesley went somewhere else, and James went to find him. He found him but they weren't sure what was wrong with him. James put him in the car and kissed Leslie on the cheek before getting in the car.

They were wondering if Wesley was drunk, but James says he saw him with other guys and thinks he got beat up. The reason for this will come soon :) James thinks he'll be okay and just needs rest.

The two talk for a while, and then it starts raining really hard. James says they should've stayed home. Then, it happened. Twenty-two year old Shane was driving carelessly, and the road was too slippery. He ran into the side of James's car, causing James to hold out his arm to protect Wesley, but his arm was covered in glass. The car flipped over the wet pavement, and James lost control of the wheel. They went to the other side of the road, hitting a ditch with rocks in it. In Chapter 4, Leslie says all she remembers is hearing a scream. That was all she remembered.

Before I get to the hospital scene, James later explains that some guy slipped from the wet roads, and hit them. They went all the way across the road and fell into the ditch with rocks. He put out his arm to make sure Wesley was okay. It was James who screamed, fearing for his best friend's life.

Leslie woke up in the hospital room. But not to her family. She woke up to see Alana.

The affects of the accident weren't that bad for Leslie, but James was beat up pretty badly. He had his right arm amputated, causing him to have to learn to write with his left hand. His other hand held a crutch to help him walk, with one leg off the ground. His legs were covered by jeans, but something was going on, a lot of scratches and scars. His face and arms had a lot of scratches. He had a scar under his eye. His head was shaved a little bit, but not a lot. And the sparkle in his eye wasn't really there anymore.

I didn't really explain much to what happened to Leslie or Shane. Leslie was okay, but she did have a couple scratches and was in pain for a couple of days. Shane was okay, but he took responsibility for the wreck and felt really bad about it. Wesley wasn't a Christian, but before he died he told James he wanted to be.

The reason for James getting beat up and maybe why Shane hit them will be said soon. Thanks for reading, I will work on Chapter 6 for you guys :)


P.S. I appreciate all of you guys SOOOOO MUCH! I know I'm a terrible updater, but my inspiration is very unpredictable and a little off sometimes. All my other stories except for Still Believe are on hold for a week, or a week and a half. I will let you know when they aren't anymore. I'm so sorry, you all have been so patient with me..I just have been really stressed over a guy and last night I didn't get a lot of sleep, and tomorrow and Tuesday are going to be busy so I'm just taking a little while off to cool down and relax. Thanks for reading :)


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