Chapter 9: I'm moving out

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The next day, I didn't speak to Jason. He left after he woke up and didn't come back. I sat on the couch and watched the end of Titanic, he hadn't watched all of it yesterday. I sighed as it reminded me of Jason and I, being apart like that. The music came on, and I grabbed the remote and turned it off. I put my head in my hands. I heard Alana run down the stairs, talking to her parents about something, and then she sat in the chair by the couch. "Leslie..are you okay?" she asked.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" I asked, looking up. "I'm sorry, I just had a fight with Jason last night." Wait....did I just say sorry for something after snapping?

Alana saw it too and smiled. "Leslie, you said sorry."

"I know, but he didn't accept it."

"Not that. You said sorry to me after you snapped."

I smiled. I guess that was an accomplishment for me. I always snapped at people and never said sorry. I tried to last night.

"Is that why he left?"

"I'm guessing. He got mad when I said it."

"He'll come back."

"I'm gonna pack my stuff," I said, getting up.

"Wait, for what?" she asked, standing up too.

"I appreciate everything you all have been to me, but I have to go. I have to face my fear and go back home. I have to go, Alana. I can't live here forever."

"But it's only been a while." she said. "I know you want to fix it, but I can tell you you're gonna get caught in that same trap you were in."

"You don't know me or my family. Maybe my dad changed." I said without snapping.

"Leslie, I can promise you if he hit you once, he's gonna hit you again."

"It wasn't just once. There were other times, too. But Alana, I really have to go."

"No, you don't. If you go, you're gonna get hurt. And I don't want that happening to you."

"Alana, I'm moving out. And you can't stop me."


I threw my clothes in my duffle bag. I can't imagine moving out..not now. But I have to. I have to get this all straightened out.

Alana called James and asked him to help me move my stuff back, because she knew there was no talking me out of moving. James came over, and he was helping me pack.

"Leslie, you have it nice here. Why are you moving?" he asked, throwing some socks in the duffle bag.

"Because I have to straighten it out with my dad. His two kids moved out, James. I know Jason isn't going back, [so she thinks] and I don't want to leave him alone."

"I thought he was arrested?"

"No, they didn't have any proof of my injuries."

"Leslie, you can't keep living like this. I know you're a good hearted person but you can't keep forgiving someone who will hurt you again."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Listen, I care about you. You have such an amazing heart and you care so much about others. You've changed a lot since that day in detention, and I know you're gonna do amazing things. But you can't do this, Leslie. You'll mess that up if you go back."

"I'm willing to take the risk of getting hurt to go back home." I said. "To be honest, I can't stay here forever either."

"You're right." he says. James helps me put the rest of my stuff in the duffle bag, then closes it up. "But you have to promise me you'll call me every night before you go to bed, and every day when you wake up. At least until I'm sure you're safe."

"Okay, I promise." I say.

Wait. Someone says. Don't leave.

"What was that?" I ask.

"What?" James asks, worried as he picks up the duffle bag with his only arm.

"That voice?"

"You probably need your sleep. Maybe it's Wesley trying to tell you whatever it is he said."

James walks out of the room and I whisper, "Wesley? Is that you?"

Leslie, you can't move. He says. You have to stay with Alana. It's your safest place."

"Wes, I have to go back home."

Yes, but not now. You have to stay with Alana.

"You didn't even tell me this when you were alive." I said. "Why should I listen to you?"

Because Alana won't do the things your dad will if you move. I like Alana, I like her enough to where I know you're safe with her.

"Wesley, you can't tell me what to do okay? I'm alright on my own."

 Leslie, you have to listen to me. I know what's gonna happen if you move back, and it's gonna get bad if you don't stay with Alana.

"Alana could be a criminal for all we know. Why should I stay with her? Why can't I stay with James?"

James is awesome, but he won't protect you like Alana. You need that feeling you get when Alana tells you she cares about you. Leslie, stay with Alana. Alana is gonna protect you.

"We'll see." I said. But maybe he was right.....maybe Alana will protect me.

I'm so sorry it's short! But who thinks Leslie will move? And if she does, will she move back? Will Jason live at home? Will she realize how much Alana really is in her life? Thanks for reading :) -Sarah

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