Interviews with the characters, CONTEST NEWS

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Yes, I know they aren't real. But it's fun to interview them, right? See how they felt? Hehe. Haha.

So, Leslie. What did you first think of Alana when she wanted to talk to you and tutor you?

Leslie: I actually was like, seriously who is this chick and what's she wanting to help me for?! Like really, she was so annoying!

Alana: Hey!

Leslie: BUT, when I got to know her it was nice actually having something going for me although I thought it wasn't gonna last. But, it did.

Alana: Thank you!

James, what did you think of Alana?

James: She kinda put me in my was scary..

Alana: SERIOUSLY, YOU GUYS SUCK. Just kidding. You don't suck.

James: I suck eggs like Squidward.

Leslie: Squidward does not suck eggs!

Hey, you guys! You don't suck. None of yall do. Anyways, Jason. You met Alana a little late, what did you think of her?

Jason: I was like, who is this chick and what's she helping my sister for? I was sort of jealous, because I'm Leslie's brother and I thought it was my job to do so. But, I knew she was the type of person with a good heart and I knew Leslie could become apart of Alana's family, since we didn't have one of our own.

Leslie: Awwh, isn't my brother the cutest?

Yes, he is. So, Alana. We didn't get to hear your prespective much, what did you think of all of this?

Alana: I was shocked by how little hope she had. At the time I was dealing with a lot, and I thought since I couldn't make a better life for myself, I'd make a better one for her.

Leslie: *smiling* That's my best friend. WAIT MY BROTHER IS CUTE RIGHT?

Yes Leslie, your brother is cute. We knew this from the minute we met him. Leslie, how did you feel when James kissed you?

Leslie: amazing. that's all I'm gonna say.

Alana, if I may skip Jason and James. The note you wrote Leslie, you signed it Alana Leslie James. Could you explain that?

Alana: Leslie is my middle name.

Leslie: OH MY GOSH, you never told me?

Alana: it says it in the note.

Leslie: oh yeah!

Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jennifer Lawrence or Kate Winslet?

Leslie: Yes! Like dude all the time people are like, "Jennifer, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE TO PLAY IN THE HUNGER GAMES WITH YOU." and I'm like YOU'RE CRAZY, I'M NOT JENNIFER! And they chase me down the street and it's like OMG PLEASE DON'T VOLUNTEER ME AS TRIBUTE, I DON'T KNOW PEETA AND WE AREN'T GETTING MARRIED!

Alana: Gosh Leslie, you're such a spaz....just kidding. But yes, I am very happy to have heard that I look like the lovely, talented Kate Winslet. You could've answered like that, Leslie.

Leslie: Sorry about that. But I'm not Jennifer Lawrence, just to warn anyone who thinks I am!

Alright, now I'm gonna ask twenty questions and all of you answer unless you don't want to, okay?

Leslie: Okay.

Jason: Cool.

James: let's go!

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