Chapter 17: It's time for a talk.

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"Kouri," said Hisashi and Kouri immediately turned to him.

"Yes, Sensei?"

"The report," replied Hisashi and Kouri finally remebered why he came here in the first place.

"Ah, right. You wanted me to do look at the body. The body shows no injuries whatsoever. It looks like he really died from Izuku taking his quirk. There are no external injuries at least. He most likely died from shock, I guess. Or you said something about that the quirk is bound to the soul, right?"

"Yes, that is correct. But my quirk can cut the line between soul and quirk, what puts them a few days into a comatose state." Quirk difference, or so it seems.

"So maybe he lost his soul because Izuku took his quirk."

"You want to say that the soul from that man resides in my Izuku?"

"Yes, that's what I want to say."

- - - - - -

Hisashi sat in his business room, in the headquarters, of course.

How different was Izuku's quirk? He not just takes people's quirks at the moment, he takes their souls with them. They're left braindead. Does that mean that they're revived when he gives them their quirk back? But what would happen if he gave that quirk to another person? Can that man speak to him now?

Hisashi shook his head.

No, he shouldn't think about ghosts. That was ridiculous.

Regardless, it wasn't nice to know that there was the possibility. I mean, they lived in a world where humans could open portals to other places or could disintegrate anything they touched with five fingers.

Could his son possibly train his quirk so that he doesn't take their soul anymore?

Was that a possibility too?

Hopefully it was. It would be a huge disadvantage if everyone would die.

- - - - - -

Izuku was bored. He shouldn't be complaining, he knew, but he couldn't help but be bored.

The problem was: He couldn't sleep either. His body didn't hurt as much as last time when he–

but it hurt nonetheless. How long had he slept? Someone needed to know! But there wasn't even anyone he could ask!

What could he do? Sleeping wasn't an option. There was nothing to do in this room – not that he would willingly stand up, he did it a few hours ago to puke and he kind of regretted it.

There was no phone in here either.

No books, nothing. Just a bed, a desk with a chair and a lamp. That's it.

After what felt like an eternity, someone finally came in. And this someone was his father.

"Father!" shouted Izuku happily, tried to sit up and succeeded, but it hurt.

"Izuku," said his father smiling and ruffled his hair. Izuku smiled too. "It must be pretty boring in here, right? I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to go through something like that."

To what exactly referred his father? The man-incident? The boredom? The pain?

"It's really no problem," Izuku lied and smiled slightly.

His father got more serious. "Izuku, I want to talk to you about All For One."

"W-What?" asked Izuku dumbfounded. His father really wanted to talk about this now?

His father sighed. "I want to talk to you about your quirk. I want to know what you felt in that moment."

He could do that, right? He would get this over with and then chat with his father happily about other things–

"W-Well... I felt that he had an Emitter-type quirk and that he could control oxygen somewhat..."

"Wait, you could feel all that?" asked his father with furrowed eyebrows. Had he said something wrong?


His father was silent for a while. Then, suddenly, he smiled brightly. "That's awesome, Izuku!"

Izuku was clearly taken aback. "H-Huh?"

"I wasn't able to identify what quirk types people had for eight years! And I couldn't tell what specific quirks they had for over 20 years!"

Did that mean his quirk was better than his fathers? But no, killing wasn't a plus. "But I kill when I use my quirk on people... You don't, right?"

His father blinked. "No, I don't"

Is that a lie? No, his father wouldn't lie to him!

"But why do I kill when I want to take people's quirks? Why does my body hurt so bad after I do it? Why–"

"You are sure that your body hurts, because you took someone's quirk?"

"Yes, I'm sure..."

- - - - - -

Could it be that his body can't take more than one quirk and his body needs a few days to fully accept the quirk and make space? This isn't good... Another disadvantage.

- - - - - -

"Do you feel any different? Do you feel the oxygen quirk inside of you?"

Izuku thought about it for a moment. "No, I don't..." Now that he thought about it, he couldn't feel the villain's quirk either–

"This could pose a problem.." whispered his father to himself. He could agree, if he couldn't feel his own quirks, that would be a huge problem.

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