Chapter 15: Break-Up

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When Izuku was 4 months old Hisashi found out that Inko had cheated on him with her supposedly 'friend'.

"Are you serious Inko...?" asked Hisashi disbelievingly.

"Yes, I'm leaving you." stated Inko, no particular emotion evident in her voice.

"... I can't believe you." replied Hisashi, his voice rising in volume. "You know that you have a son, right?!"

"I'm aware of that, yes," said Inko and glared at Hisashi. "And I'm taking him with me"

"NO WAY!" screamed Hisashi horrified. "I'm taking him with me! I'm moving out. Then your lover can live here and you can have a happy live. You can visit Izuku whenever you want, but you're a retired villain, aren't you?"

"Yes and I'm going to stay this way, even if I'm going to miss killing these heroes," whined Inko. "He is with the government, you know? Would be bad for his reputation if I was found out~" Did that woman even make sense anymore? Then Inko's demeanor changed again into an more aggressive one. "And what has that to do with anything anyway?!"

"I can protect him better than you and would you be somehow associated with me – what could happen –, then you would be in even more danger than you already are! I know it's ridiculous, but I still love you and wish for your safety!" deadpanned Hisashi with a frown. "And even so, you being a retired villain could bring Izuku in danger too! I can protect him better with the others than you can!"

"Fine! Have it your way! And now take your stuff and go!" she shouted. Had she even listened to him at all?

Hisashi blinked.

Did she even care for Izuku? And had she even loved him if she threw him away this easily?

'I think I love you, let's start a family!'

Was he being used this entire time?

How horrible was this woman?!

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Hisashi rented a little apartment in another part of the town.

They wrote after this. (And divorced, but Hisashi held onto the name Midoriya) With at least 5 months intervals. Occasionally asking how Izuku was and Hisashi just answered the general stuff. She wrote that she moved to Hosu. Is living a happy live with her lover. Hisashi loved her, but he desperately needed to forget about her.

He did it after a few years and the messages from Inko stopped a few months after she discovered that Izuku didn't have a quirk.

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Hisashi asked himself why she even cared. Now specifically. After the incident. Why did she care now all of a sudden? Because Izuku was nearly killed by a villain and somehow escaped alive? Maybe she suspected that Izuku had dveloped a quirk? Because, real talk, how could he have escaped otherwise?

"Leave." Hisashi grew irritated. "I don't want you anywhere near him. My offer of you seeing him anytime you want is cancelled."

Inko growled. "Bring me to him, now!" screamed Inko. "Or I'm going to make your life living hell!"

He wanted to say try me, bitch, but didn't and instead growled too.

"Sensei? What's going on in here?" asked Kouri and came oblivious to the atmosphere in the room.

Hisashi and Inko looked at him.

"Kouri! Nobody was allowed to be here today!" shouted Hisashi and Kouri shuddered.

"You said that you wanted the report as soon as possible, so here I am."

... He hated to admit it, but he had a point. "Inko, leave now," said Hisashi now composed again after taking a deep breath – inwardly to calm himself down – and looked calmly at Inko again, All For One mode on.

"As if I'm going to back down now! I want to see my son!" shouted Inko again.

Footsteps. Again?! Who was it now?! All three of them turned to the stairs.

"What's going on here?"

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