Chapter 1

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Summer POV.

"Where am I?"
"Oh Clarice, I'm hurt, I thought you would have remembered me...," A sickening voice echoed through the dark empty room.
" No. No! Please leave me alone!" I tried begging but I know that won't help. I thought she was gone. I thought I had finally escaped.
"Oh dear, dear, Clarice, you know begging won't get you anywhere." The voice cooed.
That name. That's not my name.
" My name is Claire." I tried to be brave but I could hear my voice shaking
"Now Clarice, you know you aren't supposed to talk back. Looks like it's time for another punishment..." The voice said.
A woman crept out of the shadows, a spiked club in her grasp.
I remember that club. I remember the pain. I thought it was over.
The club came smashing down. Pain shot down my back. I heard myself screaming but I didn't feel my mouth moving. I heard somebody calling my name.

I shot up and looked around. I looked across from me and saw my brother still fast asleep. On my left I saw my closest friend Crutchie sitting beside me. I felt something warm dripping down my face. It felt like I could barely breathe.

Crutchie's POV.

I heard Summer talking. At first I didn't pay much attention. I figured she was just singing to herself again. It wasn't until I heard her breathing did I think something was wrong. Her normal steady breathe sounded short and rushed. I sat up and looked over. Tears were streaming down her face and her beautiful golden hair was plastered to her forehead.

"Oh no, not again," I thought.

Summer had always had nightmares. Ever since I first met her. I still didn't know what the cause of them were. I knew it had something to do with her past but she never told me.

"Summer. Summer wake up!"

"No. Please no."

She sounded so small and pitiful. Her normal crazy, happy, cheery self seemed so far away.

"Come on, Summer, please wake up!"

She shot up and looked around. When I looked into her eyes their usual sparkle was gone. In it's place was nothing but fear and terror.

I carefully placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at me, the tears still streaming down her face.

"Nightmare?" I asked.

She just nodded.

I pulled her into my lap and cradled her. She then buried her face in my chest and sobbed. I gently stroked her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

I wish there was something I could do. Anything to erase the pain of her past from her mind.

I looked down at Summer. Her breathing had steadied a bit and she seemed calmer.

"Go back to sleep. I'm not going to let anything hurt you."

I meant it. I may just be a crip but she makes me feel something I've never felt before.

I looked down at her. She had drifted back off to sleep. I carefully layed her down. I layed beside her and watched her for a second.

She let out a small yawn and snuggled back up to me. I'm glad she was asleep. It felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest but I smiled anyway. I couldn't help it.

After making sure she was asleep. I gently kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer.

"I'll always be here. No matter what." I whispered.

Jack's POV.

I made sure to keep quiet and still until I heard Crutchie's breathing become even. I opened my eyes and carefully sat up so I didn't wake up him or my sister.

Summer woke me up but I didn't really mind. I was going to get up and check on her but when I heard Crutchie with her I decided it was probably best not to.

I know Crutchie likes her. I also know Summer likes him. Unfortunately, both are to scared to admit their feelings for each other.

Of course, I absolutely hate that my baby sister is growing up but I have to say, I'm happy she chose a guy like Crutchie. It feels reliving.

I know for a fact that Crutchie would never hurt her. Unlike the people in that hell hole. Although I've never been there, I know for a fact that place is worse then the refuge.

I just wish I could go back in time and prevent all of it. Back to when we were still a happy family. All of us together.

Mama and Papa, Grammy, and Gramps. I miss them and I know Summer does too but that part of our lives are over. We're with the Newsies. They're our family now.

I looked over at Summer and Crutchie and smiled.

We're with the Newsies now and we couldn't be happier.

Author's Note:

Hey people! So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book. I know it sucks, and I'm terribly sorry but I just couldn't help myself. I promise I will try to get better as the story progresses. I don't really have a plot line right now but I'm trying! Please, please, please let me know what you think! Also please don't get mad at me. I know it's really bad, and I know I can't really spell that well so I'm sorry. Anyway, I'll try to update soon! Bye-Bye 😁!

Monkey 🐒💛

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