Chapter 6

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(Isn't Google the best?☝👍)

No one's POV. (I'm still lazy)

Summer and Crutchie were walking down the street, hand in hand, their fingers intertwined.

In the beginning they were simply walking beside each other in a comfortable silence. It wasn't until Summer noticed one of Gwen's spies did she get up enough courage to take action.

It had been a week since the encounter with Gwen so they had learned to spot the spies, even in a crowd. It wasn't that hard. They always had her family crest pinned on. Even if there weren't any, it still felt nice to get to see what their relationship would be like.

She carefully slipped her hand into Crutchie's. After doing so she imedietley looked  down at the ground a small blush forming on her cheeks.

Her shyness caused Crutchie to smile. He liked that he was able to make her tough guy act seem to evaporate giving way for the gentle, loving soul he knew so well.

He skillfully intertwined their fingers, and gently pulled her closer to him. His smile only grew when the blush on her cheeks grew darker making her even more adorable then he thought possible.

They made their way to the lodging house stopping in the front. They both knew that once they stepped inside, and that door closed, the act would be done for the day but neither one really wanted it to end quite yet.

"It's a really pretty day, would you maybe wanna go to the park?" Summer asked the blush that had started lightening up darkened once more.

"I'd like that." Crutchie quickly agreed, a smile spreading across his face. Summer returned the smile as they began their walk to the park.

Along the way they ran into Jack and Katherine who, luckily, didn't bother to question them. There was simply a nod of acknowledgement from Katherine and a wink from Jack, which earned him an elbow in the ribs from Katherine, to which Summer mouthed a thank you, causing Crutchie to chuckle.

They had filled in Jack and all the others in on the situation earlier that week. It was clear that Jack had already filled Katherine in.

They eventually reached the park, taking a seat under an old oak tree further away from all the hustle and bustle of the city. They had already spotted several spies upon their entrance so they didn't bother to let go of the other's hand.

They simply sat there for awhile. Each one with a small smile on their face as memories of the past week raced through their heads.

A little while later Summer let out a small yawn, causing Crutchie to chuckle. He carefully removed his hand from her grasp and gently slipped it around her waist pulling her closer to him. He made sure to be careful so he didn't make her uncomfortable. He knew that she was extremely sensitive to the touch because of some event from her past. Maybe one day she would tell him but he didn't want to pry.

Summer smiled at his actions. She snuggled into his side and layed her head on his shoulder. She liked how he always treated her so gently. She watched the people walk through the park for a little while longer, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Crutchie watched all the people in the park. All the small children playing, all the happy families making memories, and finally all the couples simply enjoying each other's company. He wished he could have something like that.

He looked down at his pretend girlfriend, finding her fast asleep. He couldn't help but chuckle.

"If only this wasn't fake." He thought to himself. Their relationship was completely fake but his feelings still weren't.

Summer woke up with her head resting on Crutchie's lap while he played with her hair.

"Well hello there Sleeping Beauty." He said when she noticed she woke up. He gave a small nod towards something in the distance. Summer quickly realized that they were being watched so she just smiled.

"How long have I been out?" She asked, not bothering to move. Crutchie didn't mind though. They were both quite comfortable.

"I don't know. A few hours at the least." He said with a smile as he continued to play with her hair.

"And you didn't bother to wake me? Didn't you get bored?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. He just shrugged.

"I was fine, besides you just looked so cute and peaceful. I didn't wanna disturb you." He said giving her one of his signature smiles.

He swiftly leaned down and kissed her nose, smiling even more when she scrunched it up and broke into another fit of giggles.

"Oh why can't this be real?" She thought to herself.

They stayed in that position for awhile longer, just talking about random little things, mainly just enjoying each other's company.

It wasn't until around sunset did they start to make their way back to the lodge.

As soon as they stepped in they were immediately interrogated by Jack, who just eventually gave up when neither were able to answer his questions.

They knew the answers, they were just to caught up in the day's events to acknowledge him.

Both Summer and Crutchie slept well that night, both of them wearing goofy grins all the way up into the wee hours of the morning, where they were quickly replaced with even goofier ones as the day's events started to unfold.

Author's Note:

Hiya people! So this chapter was mainly just a bunch of fluff because I felt really really bad about Gwen treating Crutchie so bad in the last chapter. I also would like to thank Oliviajersy for the feedback. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'll try and update again soon! Bye-Bye! 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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