Chapter 8

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Still No One's POV.
(I think I'm done with POV.)

Summer woke up to a sharp pain shooting through her leg. She let out a cry and felt tears start coming down her face. She had no idea what happened, but everything hurt. Her body screamed out in pain as something was pushed on to her leg again.

She felt something squeeze her hand and saw Jack sitting beside her. He gave her a small smile and held onto her hand.

Then the blackness returned.

After finding her bloody and bruised they brought her up to her room. Specs imedietley started inspecting her. He was currently cleaning up a particularly nasty cut in her leg when he was startled by a cry.

The other boys were all down stairs. No one spoke. No one moved. Then they heard her cry out.

It shattered each and every one of the Newsies hearts. Their baby sister had been beaten nearly to death yet there was nothing anyone could do except for wait and hope for the best.

Crutchie was absolutely heart broken. The love of his life was barely hanging in there. He was hoping for a miracle. She couldn't die.

Then he heard her cry.

His precious Sunshine's light was fading fast...

Author's Note:

Wow I'm evil.

Bye-Bye 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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