Chapter 9

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Gwen's family crest ☝

(I swear this one will be a bit better. That last one made me cry. I don't know why I wrote that!)

The Newsies of Manhattan sat in a stunned silence. Specs had just given them the news on Summer's condition.

Her entire body was littered with bruises. Long, deep cuts ran from her upper back down to her waist, and many more located on her arms and legs. She had a dislocated foot and several broken ribs, along with a broken arm.

"There's one more thing," Specs stated.

"How the heck did she end up any worse than that!" Race yelled from his spot on the old worn out sofa.

"I was going to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, she's going to make it!" Specs finished a wide smile on his face.

Whoops and hollers came from all over the room, tears of joy flowing freely down their cheeks.

"Heya, Specs? When is she gonna wake up?" Crutchie asked. He missed gazing into those beautiful, sky blue eyes.

"Well I don't really know for sure but hopefully very soon." He said with a soft smile.

They all knew how much Crutchie missed her. He was actually going to admit his feelings to her that day, but sadly this happened...

Crutchie broke into a wide grin, nodding his head and hobbling over to the other boys.

Jack sat beside Summer, holding her hand. It had been about two weeks since the attack and she still hasn't woken up yet. Specs had promised that she would, and Jack held him to that promise. He couldn't imagine life without his little sister by his side. None of them could.

Some of her cuts had started healing, mostly just the few shallow ones. Her bruises were slowly becoming a more yellowish green color, and the stitches Specs had used on the gash on her head seemed to be helping. The only thing left untouched was her dislocated foot. Specs thought it would be better to wait until she was awake that way they wouldn't trigger any memories or cause her more harm.

Another week passed, and sure enough, Summer's eyelids slowly fluttered open, her bright blue eyes darting up to where Jack was.

Jack noticed her and immedietley engulfed her in a hug,  causing Summer to inhale sharply and a few tears to escape her eyes. Jack bolted up. He had forgotten about the broken bones.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" He cried. He received a small, weak smile from Summer which just made Jack's smile grow even wider.

"Hey, Ja-Summer you're awake!" Specs cried happily. Her smile grew just a bit.

Specs started talking to her about her condition and what was going to be happening to her, but she zoned out. There was really only one thing she was thinking of right now. Only one person she wanted to see, besides her brother.

She wanted her Crutchie.

"And now that brings us to your foot. I need to pop it back into place. Don't worry it'll only take a second." Specs concluded.

Summer got scared all of a sudden. It already hurt like hell. She had heard about dislocated joints before, and once had to witness one being but back into place. It did not seem pleasent.

She felt tears start to form. She fought to keep them down but to no avail.

Jack looked back at his little sister once Specs finished talking. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she had a scared look in her eyes. He knew this was going to be painful. Apparently Summer understood that too.

She looked up at him. He gazed into her bright blue eyes for just a moment before breaking out into a wide smile. He knew exactly what she wanted, or more so what she needed.

"Specs, start preparing her foot, I'll be right back!" He said, right before he bounded down the stairs and then ran straight to the "living room".

He immediately spotted what he was looking for. He ran over and quickly explained the situation to everyone else.

A moment later Jack stood in the doorway of her bedroom. He smiled at her before stepping out of the way.

Summer looked up to see exactly what she wanted. She couldn't help but smile widely, wincing a little at the pain.

There stood Crutchie, gazing upon his sunshine, who was fully awake and smiling at him, her sky blue eyes gazing right back.

Her beloved Crutchie.

His beloved Summer.

Their beautiful romance, starting to bloom.

Author's Note:

I am very proud of myself. I managed to figure out how to change some things on my account along with write a whole new chapter.

I'm sorry about that last one by the way. That took a turn into Sadville...

Well have a little fluff to fill your hearts up!

Bye-Bye! 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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