Chapter 7

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Tw; Violence and Blood
(so sorry)

Crutchie and Jack were sitting in Central Park, taking a much deserved break from selling. Summer wanted a bit of a break from the boys so she went off on her own. No one could really blame her though. Being the only girl in a house filled with around 30 guys wasn't exactly Heaven.

Crutchie was perfectly capable of selling on his own but everyone agreed that it would be safer if someone else was with him all thanks to a little, bratty, rich, player known as Gwen.

Summer and Crutchie's pretend relationship had been going on for a little over a month now. Everyone knew that they actually liked each other but those two were completely oblivious.

Gwen had been showing up a lot more lately, everytime begging Crutchie to take her back, but everytime she was met with the same thing, Crutchie politely turning her down and then sharing a loving lip lock with Summer. Of course, as much as they wanted it to be it was never real.

Jack had suggested the idea. Summer and Crutchie just tweaked it so that their lips never touched. Everytime they were in the same position, Crutchie's crutching arm wrapped around her waist so he could still balance with his crutch, the other hand gently cradling her cheek so he could slip his thumb in between their lips, Summer's arms would always be either around his neck, or she would have her hands resting on his chest.

Everytime Crutchie would wish that he could simply remove his thumb and kiss her lips.

Everytime Summer would wish that she could kiss his lips instead of just his thumb.

"Hey Crutch, I hate to be judgmental and all but, why don't you just ask her out for real?" Jack asked, as they started on their way back to the lodge.

"Keep your voice down Jack, they'll hear you!" Crutchie replied quietly, gestering towards one of Gwen's many spies. They seemed to be multiplying lately.


"I guess I'm just scared she'll reject me." He shrugged.

"Reject you?! Crutch, she's in love with you!" Jack whisper-yelled.

"R-Really?" He asked, a bit of hope in his voice.


"Then I'll tell her tonight! In the penthouse, at sunset!" He said a wide smile spreading over his face.

"Bout time." Jack said with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up." Crutchie replied, playfully pulling Jack's hat down over his eyes and speeding up a little.

"Hey, wait up!" Jack yelled as he fixed his hat and then ran back up to Crutchie.

(Les see what's Summer's doin)

Summer hummed softly to herself as she walked down the streets of Manhattan, slowly making her way back to the lodging house.

She sped up her pace a little when she saw a clock in a store window.

Half past 7.

That meant it was almost sunset. Race had told her earlier today that Crutchie wanted her to meet him up on the roof at sunset. She had spent the rest of the day pondering over what it could possibly be about.

Summer was so lost in thought that she didn't even see the dark figure emerge from the alleyway behind her.

Suddenly a large hand clamped over her mouth as she was dragged into the alleyway.

She tried to fight back but another figure emerged from the shadows and tied up her hands and her feet. She then recognized a pin on the figure's chest.

It was Gwen's family crest.

"This'll be a whole lot quicker if you'd quit moving, dearie." A hoarse voice whispered into her ear.

The hand was removed from her mouth but before she could make a peep a rag was stuffed into it instead. More figures emerged from the shadows, all carrying different weapons.

She watched with wide eyes as they all came closer.

Then everything went dark...

(Les go see the boys)

Crutchie nervously "paced" (kinda hard to with a crutch) around the so called "living room" of the lodge.

It was well past dark now. Summer still hadn't returned. No one had seen her since that afternoon. The panic was starting to set in.

The Newsies simply sat there watching Crutchie, each one trying to figure out what could have happened to her.

They were all snapped out of their thoughts by a loud banging. Jack ran to the door, Crutchie close behind him. As soon as they opened the door they saw an absolutely horrifying sight.

Laying there on the steps was a girl. She looked like was barely alive.

Her entire body was covered in dark bruises and long cuts, her hair was matted with dried blood, a large gash on her head, and her breathing was quick and shallow.

Jack was immediately on his knees checking her pulse. Crutchie bent down and brushed the hair out of her eyes, a tiny gasp escaping his lips.

The Newsies looked down at the girl in front of them, tiny gasps of their own escaping their lips, looks of horror etched onto everyone's faces.

Laying on the steps of their home layed a young girl who was barely alive, they looked down in horror at none other than their little sunshine, their little princess, their little sister...

Summer Kelly.

Author's Note:

I want cake.

Bye-Bye! 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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