Chapter 2

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Crutchie's POV.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

I can hear the morning bell chiming. Guess that means it's time to go carry the banner.

I try to sit up but for some reason I can't move.

"That's weird" I think to myself.

I look over and as soon as I do I feel my face heat up.

Snuggled up beside me is a peaceful looking Summer. Her head is resting on my chest and her hand was clutching a little bit of my shirt.

I feel my breathe hitch. I reach up and push a piece of hair out of her face.

"She's so beautiful"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by loud footsteps. I look up and see Jack smirking at me. I felt my face heat up even more.

"H-Hi Jack!"

"Crutchie. So I see you and Summer are getting along well?"

"Oh shut up." If it was possible for my face to get any more red, I'm pretty sure it just did.

Jack opened his mouth like he was about to respond but quickly closed it when Summer shifted around a little.

A moment later she sat up and stretched a little. She let out a small yawn.

"Morning Crutchie, hey are you feeling okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine!"

"Are you sure? Your face is really red."

"She's so close" I thought.

"I-I'm fine. Everything is fine."

"If you say so."

"Come on love birds, time to  get started carrying the banner!"

I glared at Jack while Summer laughed.

"Aw, like you're one to talk Jack-Jack. You're always with Katherine these days!" She stated between giggles.

Jack smiled. It was hard not to around Summer.

"I suppose you're right but we still need to get going!"

"Well whatever happened to 'enjoying the view'?" I chimed in.

Summer burst into another fit if giggles. I couldn't help but look at her and smile.

"Oh just come on!" Jack shouted exasperated.

"We're coming, we're coming!" Summer replied while helping me up.

We made our way back down the fire escape and into the loging house.

Summer started making her way towards her private room, stopping every so often to help out one of the others like usual. She was always a bit of a mom when it came to the Newsies but no one really minded.

"Wear the dress!" I shouted.

"I'll think about it!" She responded. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Summer's POV.

I walked into my room and shut the door behind me.

Awhile back Crutchie and I came up with a totally made up story that we use for selling so it didn't really surprise me when he told me to wear the dress, of course, I might not. I hate dresses. Yeah, I'm not wearing a dress.

I slipped on my red button up over my tank top along with some old black pants that once belonged to Jack.

"Hey Summer, you ready yet!"

I walked over to the door and opened it up. There stood Crutchie wearing a big, goofy grin.

I felt my heart skip a beat.

"So you decided against the dress?" He smirked.

"You know good and well dresses are simply not my thing." I replied.

"Just hurry up with all that hair of your's. I'd like to get to selling before tomorrow." He said rolling his eyes.

I stuck my tongue out at him and then walked over to the box beside my bed. I reached in and pulled out my mother's old hair brush.

I ran my fingers over the beautiful golden engraving. It always made me feel closer to my parents when I did.

My father actually gave it to my mother as a wedding gift. At first it was just a plain blue hairbrush but he had Love  engraved onto the back just for her.

I sighed and started brushing out my curls. Once I finally finished brushing out all my hair I carefully braided it and pulled it to the side over my shoulder.

"How the heck did you do that?"

The voice startled me at first but then I remembered Crutchie was in the room.

I turned to face him. He had a confused look on his face, his eyebrows knitted together and that gleam of curiosity in his eyes. I didn't think it was possible but he looked even more adorable then usual. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"It's a secret passed down through the women from generation to generation."

"Well someone's being quite dramatic today." He replied.

"Just getting into character! Now come on let's go!"

"Alright, I'm coming!"

We left the loging house and started off on our way to the circulation gates.

The rest of the Newsies were singing and dancing the whole way there, but Crutchie and I hung back a little. I didn't mind though. I like the little quiet moments like these when we could talk about anything and everything. It helped distract me from my memories of my last that seem to never disappear but instead haunt me forever...

Jack's POV.

Looking around at all my Newsies made me feel good. I look back to make sure everyone was ok.

Soon after I spot Summer and Crutchie hanging out towards the back. They were currently laughing at some mutual joke. After watching them for a minute I couldn't help but smile myself.

Summer is the most important thing in the world to me and after what happened all those years ago, I'm making sure no one or any thing messes with her ever again.

Eventually we arrive at the circulation gates. After some threats from Oscar and Morris we finally got in. Summer, Crutchie, and I sat together. Summer was working on teaching Crutchie how to read. I feel like something's off though. I look around and spot something.

I was right, something is extremely off.

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