Chapter 4

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(song Summer sings later on is up there☝)

Crutchie's POV.
(After selling)

Today has been a long day. Summer, Micheal, and I just finished selling the last of our papes. Now we're heading to Jacobi's for some food.

Michael is holding a penny in his hand. He's been admiring it for awhile now. It was honestly quite amusing.

"I've never had a penny before!" He stated. I can see the bronze coin in the palm of one hand, the other hanging onto Summer's again that way we don't lose him in the crowd.

"Lucky kid..."

Summer laughed a little. God I love her laugh.

"Hey. Hey Crutchie!" Summer said.

"Huh? What?"

"We're here, silly! You've been staring off in space for like 3 minutes!"

"Oh, whoops." I can feel my face heating up.

"Come on, I'm hungry!" She said. She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the deli. I'm pretty sure my face is a tomato at this point.

Summer's POV.

Crutchie's hand was surprisingly soft and extremely warm. I liked the feeling and seeing how much it made Crutchie blush just made me like it even more.

When we reached the table where the rest of the Newsies were, I reluctantly dropped his hand.

I slipped into the booth beside Jack who was currently flirting with Katherine. Crutchie sat beside me.

Everyone seemed engaged in a conversation except for Crutchie and me. Even Michael was off talking with the younger boys.

Crutchie was just sitting there. He looks lost in thought. I don't know what he's thinking about but I guess it's something good. He has a small smile on his face and there's still a faint blush on his cheeks and across his nose. That gave me an idea.

"You know your pretty cute when you blush." I said with a smirk.

His eyes grew wide and his blush grew an even deeper shade of red. I quickly stand up and slip past him before he can respond.

I don't know where I'm going but I don't really care. I just hope I didn't just mess up my entire relationship with Crutchie.

Somehow I've ended up back at the lodge. Guess I was closer than I thought.

I make my way up the stairs and to my room. No one will mind if I take a little nap right?

Just for a little while...

Jack's POV.
(Time skip to back at the lodge)

Mr. Jacobi kicked us out after awhile. Said he had paying customers coming in.

I think it's safe for me to say something had to have happened between Summer and Crutchie. One minute the two were talking, the next Summer was missing and Crutchie was acting like a lovestruck duck. This should be quite the interesting story to hear.

I don't know what to do. Everyone's off in their own little worlds right now. The younger boys are off playing, Race is gambling with the older boys, and Summer and Crutchie are up in the penthouse together.

Wait a minute...

Crutchie. Summer. Feelings. Alone. Together. OH CRAP!!!

As Crutchie's best friend I should really leave them alone, but as Summer's older brother I have the right to intrude!

Best friend or older brother?

Yeah, I'm going with older brother right now.

I head up stairs and out the window onto the fire escape. Up the stairs and the ladder and then finally here.

Oh thank goodness, they're just working on Crutchie's reading. Why on Earth did I really think that something was going on? Crutchie is like the most innocent thing to ever exist!

I'm greeted with a wave from Summer and a small smile from Crutchie.

I smile right back and head over to wear I sleep. I grab my sketch pad and start drawing Crutchie and Summer.

(Time Skip because I feel like it)

Crutchie and I are just standing in the corner watching Summer tuck the younger boys into bed.

"Alright, what song do you wanna hear tonight?" She asked.

"Do the one about staying young!" Mike said. A chorus of agreements came  from around around the room.

Summer just smiled.

(After song)

By the time she finished singing all the younger boys were asleep. Most of the older boys too.

By the time we got up to my "penthouse" I was exausted. Summer was already asleep.

"Hey Crutchie what are you doin?" I asked. He was just watching Summer.

"Oh, I wanted to make sure she was asleep. I don't want these nightmares keeping her awake forever." He replied as he layed down.

"Oh, alright then. Well good night Crutch."

"Night Jack."

I looked at them one more time. It made me smile.

Summer was curled up against him, his arms holding her close as they drifted off into dreamland.

Yeah, I ship it.

Author's Note:

Has anyone else noticed that in Shrek the Musical, at the beginning in her song Fiona says she's a very gifted BOWLER yet she claims to have no toilet when she's arguing with Shrek later on? No one? Just me? Yeah ok then.
Bye-Bye! 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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