Chapter 5

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TW: Mentions of smut.

Nothing actually happens. I don't write that kinda thing.

No one's POV.
(Because I'm lazy and it's easier)

Jack and Summer were walking down the street, on their way back to the lodging house after a long day of selling.

Being a Newsie wasn't the easiest. The temperature lately had chosen to stay in the 90's or higher but they had to eat somehow. 

They talked a little. Mainly just about the headlines, or the other Newsies, just little things to make the time go by faster.

"CRUTCH-CRUTCH!!!" A loud voice echoed through the streets. The Kelly siblings looked across the street and saw quite the unusual sight. 

Standing there was Crutchie, a look of shock etched on his face. A second later a figure in a large, silky dress with bright blue heels to match tackled him in a hug.

"Hey Jack?"

"Yeah sis?"

"Who's the really pretty girl suffocating Crutchie?"

It was true. The girl was quite beautiful. She had her brown hair wrapped up in a tight bun, the blue gown fitting her figure perfectly.

"Oh that's his ex Gwen. She's got a new guy every week. A real player. Broke his heart."

"So why is she hugging Crutchie now?"

"My best guess is she didn't get everything she wanted. Why?"

"Well I just think that Crutchie looks uncomfortable and as his friend I have a right to be concerned."


"Oh shut up."

"If it makes you feel better he does look pretty uncomfortable."

"That's why I'm gonna go put a stop to this."

"Wait, what?" There was nothing Jack could do though. He had no idea what Summer was up to but in truth, neither did Summer.

She quickly crossed the street over to where Gwen and a very uncomfortable looking Crutchie stood.

"Heya, sweetie!" She said wrapping her arms around Crutchie's free arm. When Crutchie looked at her with a confused look, she simply gave him a wink with a small nod towards Gwen. Crutchie was quick to catch on.

"Princess! I've been looking for you!" He replied, slipping his arm out of her grasp and instead around her waist, pulling her closer. He gently kissed her nose, smiling when she scrunched it up and broke into a fit of giggles.

"Um, I'm sorry, but who are you?" Gwen asked her eyes narrowed.

"Oh me? I'm his girlfriend." Summer smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh really? I wasn't aware Crutchie found someone new."

"Well it has been quite awhile since you've decided to come near me." Crutchie replied, his voice laced with bitterness.

"Oh Crutch-Crutch, I've missed you. I've been busy lately so I haven't really gotten to go out much." Gwen stated.

"Uh huh. Well speaking of being busy, we've got some business of our own to attend to. Coming Princess?" He asked, while starting up the stairs to the lodging house. Summer giggled again at the nickname, even though it was fake hearing Crutchie say that made her heart flutter.

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