Chapter 10

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(Still No One's POV.)
We gonna pick up where we left off in the last chapter because I'm a sucker for romance!

Crutchie immediately broke into a wide a grin. He missed her more than she would ever know.

Jack motioned for him to come over. He sat in the chair Jack had directed him to. It was beside the bed where Summer lay, breathing heavily.

He already knew what was going on thanks to Jack's very brief update in the "living room" so he wasn't really surprised when a few fresh tears slipped down her cheeks. He looked at Specs, who gave him a small nod. They wanted her to be as calm and prepared as possible, although he had no idea how he was supposed to help.

"Hey there, Princess!" He said still smiling at her. Originally the nickname was used for when the spies were around but eventually he just started calling her that all the time, not that she really minded.

Summer immediately relaxed when she saw Crutchie come in. She had missed him so much. Hearing his voice right beside her sounded like music to her ears. Looking up into his bright green eyes, she knew everything was going to be ok.

She still didn't speak, only smiled back up at him.

Most people would have wanted a more verbal response, but for Crutchie, seeing her smile was the best response he ever could have received.

"Alright Summer, let me know when you're ready." Specs said with a smile. If it was up to Summer, she'd never have it popped back in but she knew it had to be done.

Crutchie noticed her wince. He was about to ask her about it, but immediately stopped when he felt something warm brush against his hand.

He looked down and saw Summer's hand beside his own. He carefully slipped his hand into her's and gently stoked it with his thumb. He knew it wasn't much but he didn't know what else to do.

The small gesture actually made her feel a lot better. It was somewhat comforting.

She looked back up at Specs and gave him a small nod. She took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut. Crutchie gave her hand a small squeeze and looked up at Specs.

Specs nodded and carefully placed his hands on Summer's foot.

"1...2...3..." Specs quickly moved his hands, causing a loud pop to echo through the room.

Summer screamed, a few fresh tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Alright Summer, everything is back in place. We'll give you two a minute." Specs said with a small smile. He and Jack walked out of the room, (much to Jack's dislike) leaving Summer and Crutchie all alone.

"You did good, Princess." Crutchie said, smiling and giving her hand another reassuring squeeze.

Summer had calmed down a bit. Her breathing had returned back to normal and her tears had turned to a few small sniffles.

She smiled up at Crutchie, causing his heart to skip a beat.

She had been through so much, yet she was still smiling that beautiful smile of her's.

Summer was always looking out for other's, always looking for the best in people.

"She doesn't deserve this..." He thought.

"Go to sleep. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered, gently brushing one of her golden curls out of her face.

She gave him a small nod and another smile. She let out a yawn and closed her eyes, gladly accepting the chance to escape the pain.

Crutchie stayed beside her for awhile, watching as her chest slowly rose up and down. Her small figure finally looked as if it had made peace with the pain he knew she was expirencing.

A little while later Jack came into the room.

"Hey Crutch, you need to see this." He said, handing Crutchie a small slip of fancy paper.

Crutchie gave Jack a weird look as he took the paper. He opened it up and started slowly reading it.

Dear my sweet, precious Crutch-Crutch...

"Oh no..." He groaned.

Author's Note:

Heya people, so I'm pretty sure everyone knows who wrote this letter. I know this chapter seems really really really really really really really really unnecessary but I thought that since this is a book about Crutchie's and Summer's romance we should have a chapter about Crutchie's reaction to seeing her again and you know Summer needing Crutchie to be with her in times like this.

If you don't like it well then screw you. No one said you had to read this book so if you don't like it then don't!

You know Drama-freak gave me some really good advice last night. They said to never quit writing until you get sick of it so damnit that's what I'm gonna do!

Y'all can deal with it. I promise I'll have a more exciting chapter out soon. Bye-Bye! 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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