Chapter 3

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Jack's POV.

Standing in the entrance of the gates was a small boy. He looks no older than about 6 yet there were the Delanceys ganging up on him.

I don't really wanna get involved but I can't just sit here and do nothing why he gets soaked.

"Aw, damn my conscientious"

"Well hello Oscar, Morris, how's it going?" I ask walking up to them.

"Go away, Kelly. Nothing here concerns you." Morris snickers.

"Oh you know good and well why he's here, so go on scram! Just leave the kid alone!"

I don't know how or when but all of a sudden I have Crutchie and Summer on each side of me. I hope these two listen to her. I speak from personal experience when I say Summer is extremely scary when she gets mad.

"Alright, we'll leave the kid alone for now but only for you sweet-cheeks." Oscar said with a wink.

"Back. Off. " She growls.

Oscar and Morris just laughed in her face. I was about to step in but all of a sudden a loud smack echoed through the World building. I hear Summer yelp and a second later Oscar scream. When I get my focus back and look up. I see Oscar hunched over, blood dripping from his nose. I decide to take a chance and look at Summer. She was standing there clutching her fist with a smirk on her face. God I love my sister!

"Oh you're gonna pay for that you little-" I watched Morris tackle her to the ground but I make no move to interfere.

In less then 2 minutes, Summer has him pinned on the ground while she looms over him.

"I'm a little what, huh?"

He kicked her off and stood up. He grabs Oscar and starts to move away.

Crutchie's got Summer back on her feet, her fists clenched.

"This isn't over you little piece of crap!" Morris called.

"Always a pleasure boys!" She shouts back with a smile and a little wave.

Yep. Definitely love my sister.

Crutchie's POV.

Wow. All I can say is wow. She never seems to stop amazing me. Summer just single handedly took down the Delanceys.

My best guess is it's because of the kid. I know she had a rough childhood. She once told me that she never wants anyone to have to expirence what she did. Although I'm still not entirely sure what she did expirence. That reminds me, what happened to that kid?

I look back up to see Summer beside me and Jack standing in front of the kid with his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. The thing is the kid looked down right terrified.

"Aw come on Jack-Jack calm down. Your scaring the poor thing." Summer said, a sympathetic smile on her face.

I simply watch as she walks over and plops down on the ground in front of the kid. With Summer on the ground the kid was a good 2-3 inches taller than her.

"Wow you're a lot taller up close!" She said with a goofy grin.

The kid still looks pretty scared but he seems to become a little less tense.

"So, what's your name? You don't have to worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." She gave him one of her signature smiles but also scooted back a little. The boy seems a lot more relaxed now. He had a small smile on his face

"M-M-Micheal." He stutters.

"Well Micheal, my name is Summer. At least that's my Newsie name." She held at her hand.

He slowly reached out and shook it.

"W-What's a N-Newsie name?" He asked. Summer seemed to brighten a little after he spoke.

"You see every Newsie has a special nickname just for him or her. It can be based of of appearance, personality, or some other weird things. Just make sure you catch these guys on the right day. They aren't to inventive sometimes." She said with a wink, which caused Michael to giggle a little bit.

"Do you have anywhere to go Micheal?" She asked.

He shook his head no.

"Well that's ok, you can come stay with us at the lodge!"

"R-Really? He asked.

"Of course! Now let's see, I'm guessing you're about 45?" She asked her smile still as wide as can be.

Michael shook his head, a small smile on his face.

"What? Ok how about, um, 32?"

"N-No." He said with a small giggle, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Seriously? Wow, ok, I'm bad at this, how about, 127?"

"No! I'm 7!" he said laughing, a now proud grin on his face.

"Alrighty then Mr. 7 year old Michael, you can sell with me and Crutchie today!" She smiled.

"Hi!" I say with a wave.

"Well let's go! Time to carry the banner!" Summer yelled as she stood up.

I quickly walk over to them so I don't lose them in the crowd. I get greeted by a smile from both Summer and Michael who was holding onto her hand. I hate to say it but,

I am totally jealous of that kid right now.

Author's Note:

May I just say,

This chapter was mainly just to show you the many different sides of Summer Kelly. Particularly, both the fighter and the lover.

I have decided to dedicate this chapter to Fiona from the film Shrek. I was watching the musical while writing this and as you know, Fiona don't take orders from no man! She was pretty much my inspiration so there you go. I'll update again soon. Bye-Bye! 😁

Monkey 🐒💛

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