Chapter 11

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(Gwen's letter to Crutchie☝)

No One's POV. (again)

After reading the letter Gwen had sent, Crutchie was absolutely furious. The more he read the worse his anger became. By the time he was finished, he was ready to explode. Summer was his princess- not Gwen.

He looked down at the sleeping girl beside him, thinking about Gwen's threats.

"What do I do?" He thought to himself.

A few weeks passed. Summer slowly started getting back into the routine of things. She would get up and, with a little help from Crutchie, she would move around the lodging house (Jack still refused to let her sell). Crutchie was able to coax her to eat a little bit of food but not much.

Things were getting better, except for the fact that she still wouldn't talk. She hadn't uttered a single word since she woke up after the attack.

If he was being completely honest, Crutchie really missed hearing her sweet voice call out to him or hear her singing the younger boys to sleep. No one pushed it though. They knew she would talk when she was ready.

Ever since he had received that note from Gwen, Crutchie had seen many more of her goons out on the street. He had been pondering what to do for awhile. He really didn't want to go back to Gwen but he didn't really have a choice. He didn't want her to get hurt again, especially if he could do something to prevent it.

He hated doing this but he wanted Summer to be safe. He slowly approached one of her spies.

"Tell Gwen to meet me at the lodge later on." He said. The spy nodded and ran off.

A few hours later Crutchie and Summer sat down on the stairs outside the lodge, simply enjoying each other's company.

"CRUTCH-CRUTCH!!!" A loud voice yelled, making Summer jump a little while Crutchie just groaned.

He plastered on a fake smile and stood up, preparing himself for one of Gwen's bone crushing hugs.

"Oh Crutch-Crutch, I was so happy when I heard you wanted to see me, so have you finally come to your senses? Don't forget, I have plenty more lessons I can teach..." She said with a devilish smile. Crutchie took a deep breath.

"My answer is yes Gwen, I'll go out with you again." He said, trying to ignore the look on Summer's face.

"Oh goodie! Well shall we be going?" Gwen smirked, linking arms with him.

"Yeah, yeah we should, but first..."

He kissed her.

It felt awful but he wanted Summer to be safe and if this is how he could help, than he'd just have to deal with it.

When he pulled away, he took a quick glance at Summer. He expected to see anger, but instead he was met with a look of shock and.....hurt? Before he could figure it out the look disappeared. Her face became emotionless as she swiftly stood up and walked into the lodging house, closing the door behind her.

Crutchie sighed. He just wished that he could run after her and tell her that he loved her not Gwen, but it was to late.

They walked the streets of Manhattan, with Gwen complaining about pretty much anything and Crutchie just wishing they could stop on account of his leg, but of course Gwen wasn't listening.

As soon as she got inside Summer dashed up the stairs and slammed her door shut. She slid down onto the floor, not bothering to hide her tears anymore.

He had kissed Gwen. Right in front of her. How could he do something like that?

"Oh Crutchie, if only you knew..." She thought.

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