07: La Bella Luna

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I stared at my closet. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I pulled out a light pink dress close to the color of white. It had a sleeve that reached just below my elbow, and the fabric covering my arm and shoulders was lacey and see-through. The dress came up to my upper-chest, and it was a flattering length that reached mid-thigh. The dress wrapped around until my waist but then it flowed down like an upside-down flower. I put on a diamond pendant that shone brightly whenever a light reflected on it.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It was the first time I dressed up without my mom forcing me to. I actually wanted to look nice.

Just then, someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked. If it was one of my brothers, they are most definitely not allowed to come inside.

"It's Melissa, miss." Melissa said in a gentle tone.

"Come in." I told her, and she did just so.

She took in what was in front of her-a whole bunch of dresses and skirts thrown everywhere-and looked at me. Her lips twitched upwards.

"First date?" She asked.

I laughed, "that obvious, huh?"

Melissa put down her things and grinned at me. "Would you like me to do your hair and makeup?"

I could feel my face lighting up. "You'd do it for me?"

Melissa nodded as she went over to my cabinet and pulled out my makeup supplies. Of course she knew where they were. She cleans my room all the time.

Melissa started dabbing some powder all over my face, and then she set off with a whole bunch of makeup things I didn't even know existed-did you know you had to curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara? She put on a thin line of brown eyeliner, and she put on baby pink eyeshadow that she said, "flatters your beautiful green eyes." With a few more extra dabs on my cheek and putting lip gloss on, my face was done.

"Now with your hair," Melissa said, and she got out my curling wand and went around my head curling up my hair. As she took her time, I looked at myself in the mirror. With makeup on, my face stood out a little more than usual. But Melissa did a great job of not putting too much makeup on; she had somehow managed to make me look more beautiful but also cute as well.

Once Melissa was done, she put some hairspray in my hair, and my usually straight light brown hair bounced around me in girly curls. I loved it.

"Where did you learn to do all this?" I asked Melissa.

She smiled. "I have my own experience, miss."

I looked at her, and realized she really wasn't much older than me. She was 20, only four years older than me. And I imagined her as a 16 year old, struggling to curl her hair alone, and I suddenly felt like I was like her in many ways.

"So who is your date?" Melissa asked.

"Zayden Rhodes. He's one year above me." I felt myself smiling at the thought of him.

A flash of recognition went across Melissa's face.

"Do you know him?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, yes he's quite famous, isn't he?"

I shrugged. "I guess so. I mean, almost everyone at my school is."

"He is quite the good looking one." Melissa said with a sly grin.

I laughed. "Yeah I guess he is."

"Well excuse me, miss, I have some rooms to clean."

I smiled at her. "Thank you so much."

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