21: The Rhodes's Family Party

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The skirt of my dress trailed behind me as my heels clicked on the marble floor of the Rhodes's home. As I stepped inside, memories of the night I came here flooded my mind. Kyle, who must have sensed my uneasiness, leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"You're strong. Don't let some stupid boy affect you."

I nodded. With Kyle by my side, I felt more confident than I had in a long while. Even my shoes I was wearing had much higher heels. It made me taller than many people around me, but that didn't make me feel like I was standing out. I felt in control.

My parents and brothers were inside already. I spotted Alec and Auden talking to Zayden, laughing, and I also spotted Rebecca Amador perched by Auden's arm, looking as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a red dress that showed off her cleavage, and I could feel my irritation towards her. My parents were talking to Zayden's parents, and I could already feel my energy getting drained. The only thing that lifted my spirits was the table of refreshments in the corner of the room. Next to that, a small stage was set up, where a string quartet played a soft classical piece.

But I couldn't get there quick enough, because when I glanced back to where my brothers were, Zayden had already spotted me.

I turned to Kyle. "Any chance you have any spy tricks up your sleeve to make me dissappear?"

"Sorry, I'm not a magician. But there is something I can do..." Kyle suddenly placed his hands in mine, lacing our fingers together. My heart rate sped up, and I could feel my cheeks warm.

Kyle was holding my hand. I know it wasn't a big deal; holding hands was nothing. But still, the feeling of his hands locked together with mine, bringing our bodies that much closer, was enough to make me nervous.

"Hey Cass." Zayden said, interrupting my thought. I almost forgot he was making his way to me. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Why wouldn't I? I've been coming every year." I answered.

"True. And Kyle is your date?" He asked, glancing at Kyle, no doubt remembering him holding up a gun to his chest.

"Yes." Kyle answered for me, taking his hand out of mine so he could lace his arm around my waist. His touch sent electricity through my body, and it didn't help my already booming heart.

"Well, I hope you two have a nice time." Zayden said, looking ready to sprint.

"Yeah, wouldn't want any kidnappers coming in here, would we?" I glanced at Kyle. What was he playing at?

"Uhm, no, I guess," Zayden answered, looking confused. I looked at Kyle, but his face was a complete poker face.

"Great." Kyle said, flashing him a grin that looked genuine and like he was planning something evil at the same time. I would never want to be smiled at like that. It would make me check behind my back every other second. Kyle then wrapped his other arm around my waist, bringing my face up to his. My eyes widened and my shoulders tensed, but not in a bad way. I instinctively found myself glancing down at his lips. They were rosy pink, and looked very soft.

"I'll see you later then." Zayden murmured, sounding incredibly awkward and nervous.

The moment Zayden walked off, Kyle loosened his grip on me, and he smirked deviously.

"You're such a good actress. You should seriously consider becoming a spy."

I laughed. "I've had practice acting since I was a young toddler smiling at the cameras."

"I see." Kyle said, and he looked over at the refreshments table. "Want to get food?"

* * * * *

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